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Vision was fading. Yet he couldn't hear anything in the distance. He was dying, yet he was destined to die alone.

His abnormal skill.. It finally reached the ears of a big shot, he was about to be recruited and had no choice but to accept.. Unfortunately, the big shot's competitor did not like it when he got his hands on him... Thus he had to be terminated.

If the competitor couldn't have him, nobody else could.. Thus he had died due to the power struggles of the upper society.

His skill was just too dangerous for them.. He liked to call it, "Abscond". This skill allowed him to borrow anothers' talent... It doesn't only apply to living beings either. It can apply to dead people and also objects that have been used for a singular purpose.

The borrowing duration depends on the affection towards him.. Longest borrowing ranged to an indefinite amount of time. When this borrowing occurs, the one getting borrowed from cannot use their talent/skill for 24 hours.

He could feel all the talents that he borrowed slipping away. Leaving him with only a fraction of the knowledge.. He chuckled bitterly as his vision went completely dark.


He could hear a ringing sound similar to his ringtone, yet he couldn't feel his ears. He was shocked, how could he hear? He was dead.. Atleast he thought so.

Of course he was actually dead.

Ding Ding Ding!!

The ringing intensified, it started to sound irritating now. He would have switched it off if he could. Unfortunately he couldn't move anything. In fact, it was almost like... There wasn't anything to move.

He couldn't feel his eyes, yet he could see. What he saw was darkness, yet he could see.

Then suddenly, the ringing stopped. He sighed in relief, but then had to stop in shock as he heard something.

"The future cannot be changed. The past cannot be changed. Yet the present can be changed. If you were given the choice of saving humanity or yourself, what would you do?"

A muffled but terror inducing deep voice sounded in his mind. The voice had no gender specific voice. His mind started aching just from hearing the voice. He fell silent, from borrowing the skills of a psychologist and martial artist, he knew one thing.

When faced with the unknown, and you are afraid of it. You have two options, run or face it. He had no way of running. So he only had one option, face it.

"I will save myself."

He couldn't feel his mouth, yet somehow he could speak. It was a baffling experience. But certainly, after the experience of dying due to human greed, he had lost faith in humanity. He only wanted to live now.

The voice fell silent before he heard a faint chuckle. He had no need to be nervous, afterall he was already dead.

"Decisive.. But, is that truly the answer you want to say? Confused human, I'll send you to a world that has the most pure 'human', find her. For she will show you the true meaning of the word 'humanity'. Her name is Elysia."

Right as the voice finished speaking, he felt like he was being compressed. It should have hurt, but it didn't. He wanted to scream regardless, yet he couldn't. Who was this Elysia?  He couldn't ask this question as everything started turning white.

The voice faded away, leaving only a few words. "Go.. I have given you my blessing..."

Then he disappeared from the strange place. The voice sighed as it completely faded away,

"Elysia.. Truly a respectable being. If the rest of humanity were like her, their civilisation would have ascended earlier... I now owe no favors to you.. Terminus.."

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