Steve felt Bucky elbow him, and he cleared his throat... 'Uh, yeah, I'm fine thank you. I did try to be nice, and tell her I wasn't interested but I don't think she heard me..'

Trix gestured to the space to her left, as though asking and he nodded. She sat down, smiling at the three... 'I heard you from across the bar Captain Rogers, I am just sorry that my side of the species have the inability to understand that it's not ok to cop a feel, especially when it happens to us more often. No means no, no matter what..'.. She picked up her glass.

'Mr Wilson, Sergent Barnes. How are you both doing?..'.. She sipped her drink.

'Uh, yeah, I'm good. Sorry, still processing as to what just happened..'.. Sam chuckled... 'Not gonna lie, that was hot..'

'I am not one for violence-..'

'Bullshit..'.. She turned to see Benny rubbing his throat at the bar... 'Got something stuck in my throat..'.. She chuckled, turning back to the three.

'Ok, maybe I am. But I didn't like see you get accosted when it was clear you wanted some down time. It pisses me off that women like STD Sally..'.. She jerked a thumb back to the door... 'Think it's ok to behave that way. If the roles were reversed, they would be screaming sexual assault..'

Sam grinned at the woman... 'I like you..'

'Oh, I'm a fucking special case..'.. Trix laughed.

'Thank you, for dealing with that..'... Steve sighed, picking up his beer.

'You know, I just had an idea..'.. They turn to Bucky, seeing he was watching Trix intently... 'We have shit like this happen often, and it's really fucking annoying. Sometimes I want to rip heads off, but apparently, I'm not allowed..'.. She laughed at that, nodding... 'We could have you work for us. Kind of like a human shield to deal with all the crazy women..'

'Seriously Buck?.'... Steve shook his head... 'No offence..'.. He turned to the woman... 'We don't know you..'

'None taken. Glad to see you are being logical. And sergeant Barnes, as wonderful as that opportunity sounds..'... She crossed her arms on the table, leaning in with a wicked smile.

'I've got a record longer than your arm. Appreciate the thought, but I doubt I'd ever be hired to work with heroes. I'm the villain for a reason..'.. She winked at him, and stood up, smiling at them all again... 'Goodnight gentlemen, those women won't be back in here, I can assure you of that..'... She nodded to Benny, and headed out the door.

'I'm in love..'.. Sam sighed, staring after the badass, tattooed brunette, who had waltzed over and literally stole his attention.

Bucky chuckled, drinking his beer, and the other two whipped around to him... 'Did you just laugh?..'.. Sam asked, putting a hand to Buckys forehead, who shoved it away... 'No fever..'

'Fuck off pigeon..'.. Bucky tried to scowl but he couldn't help but laugh.

'You're laughing..'.. Steve gave him a curious look, tipping his bottle at Bucky... 'You haven't laughed once, since you joined us..'

'Yeah well, there wasn't a reason too..'.. Steve caught Bucky glancing to the door and he shook his head.

'She got to you too, huh?..'.. He smiled, thinking about the woman Trix. In a matter of minutes, she had saved him from being felt up, captured his attention, gave him respect when she spoke and made Bucky smile.

'Who the fuck is that woman?..'.. Bucky looked over to the bartender, seeing the guys shoulders shake slightly, and realising he was chuckling as he served customers.

'She'll eat you alive boys, I don't recommend even trying..'.. A few of those sat at the bar all glanced over, chuckling along.

'Trix is a woman I would sell my soul for, just to have one kiss..'.. An older man smiled wistfully.

'She would gut you like a fish Artie, if you ever tried to and wouldn't even flinch..'.. Benny gave the older man a smile... 'She's off limits boys..'.. He turned to the three Avengers... 'She's got her reasons, but don't try anything with her. Would hate to see your funerals on the tv..'

Bucky laughed again, sitting back and causing the other two look worriedly at him... 'I really need to know this woman. Think Stark can track her down?..'

Steve shook his head and stood up, getting out of the booth and the other two followed him... 'I don't know, but we can ask...'


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