Driver dropped me to Dhruv and my house and helped me to put the things inside. I locked the door behind me and then take the groceries inside the kitchen.

I took the vegitables which I bring with me and some onion and washed them. I took the chopping board and started chopping vegitables for dinner. Kitchen window was open and light breez was coming inside through the window, soothing my heart.

A smile came on my face remembering my conversation with Divya. At morning I got the call from Divya and she asked about my honeymoon, she wants the gossips which I didn't give her. It's something personal between me and Dhruv which I don't want to share with anyone, to her disappointment shae has to give up also Dhruv and I decided that we will go for our honeymoon after my mains exam. We will leave for our honeymoon to the next day of my exam and spend a week together. He also took the leave in advance so he doesn't want to rush things at last minute.

Divya got the marriage proposal last week. His name is Ruhaan. He was junior in Nikhil's bhiya college and lives in Delhi with his family, handling his dad's business. They also came to Lucknow last week to see Divya. Ruhan and Divya's wibes match on their first meet but they needs more time to know eachother. Both families give them time and assure them they will move further after they both were satisfied.

Nikhil bhiya bombard Ruhaan with questions while Dhruv was calm and cool. He ask only few valid questions to Ruhaan. I know Dhruv is a man with few words, he only speaks when its needed. He reads the person with in few answers, that's why his point of view matters in the family. Dhruv Agreed that Ruhaan is a great guy and he will be best pair with Divya if they both married eachother. On the other hand everyone teased Raghav that now he is the only one who lef single but that man was happy to be single. There was a time when we all used to go to school together and now we all are married except Raghav.

I don't know what kind of a girl he wants in his life but Dhruv once told me that he is still not over his first girlfriend. I used to think he was not serious about her but when Dhruv told me that Raghav cried in-front of him while talking about her I realised how serious he was for her. Dhruv and I both worried for him. I hope he will soon over come from his heart break and find a girl who loves him truly and accept him with his broken heart.

I turned immediately when I heard the footsteps, like someone crossed the kitchen door but there were no one. With my racing heart I walked to the kitchen door but I didn't find anyone.

Dhruv just text me half an hour ago that he is going to be late for home because of the small get together in city secretary place where only IAS officers are allowed bit it could be Dhruv as I know how sucks he is in social gethering. Maybe he was pulling a prank on me.

I ghasped and put my hand on my mouth when I saw a shadow of a man and it was definitely not look like Dhruv. He was holding a khukhri (Knife), in his hand. Suddenly I turn to another side and saw one more man hid behind the another wall.

I took a step back without making any noise. Sweat was forming on my body and tears were threatening to leave from my eyes. My back touched to the kitchen counter and my hand feels the knife on the chopping board. I hold it in my defence.

I am alone in the house. I don't have my phone with me and our house is under attack. I don't know how many people invade into our house. Are they thieves or came here to hurt me? I still have many questions buzzing inside my head but first of all I want to grab my phone and call Dhruv so he could come or send someone to help me. My phone was inside our bedroom on the charging and I don't know how to reach there.

Should I shout for help, but if I shout, they would get alert and could have kill me before anyone could come to help me. I have to sneak out from the house or I have to call Dhruv amd hid in the house till I get the help.

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