83. My safe heaven

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Dhruv's point of view


I have known this word from years. I know the feeling when it hits you. Your geart heat was racing, your breath was uneven and you feels like you are going to die in any minute. You feel suffocated and sweat form in your body like you just had shower.

This is the same I am feeling right now. With a gun in my hand, I was roaming around in MG road finding the love of my life who's life is in danger.

Aditi told me she was hiding inside a building and very scared as rioters are roaming just outside the place where she was hiding. My team and me did not leave any place looking for her and police were doing their best to control the riots.

"She is not here. Let's move to the other building." I came outside the four story building we just look for Aditi. This is the fifth building we have looked into it.

As the time passed my anxiety going to its peak. I can not afford loosing her.  I ran my fingers in my hair while looking around my surroundings. I tried Aditi's number but it was switched off again.

I hope she is fine.

My phone again started ringing nd I picked it up when its from Divya.

"Bhiya, Where is Aditi?" She started shouting on me. I can hear the worry in her voice.

"I am trying to find her." I said while trying to calm my nerve.

"What do you mean you are trying to find her? I don't want to loose my best friend again. Please find her soon." She literally beg me.

"Divya, I am trying my best. Don't forget she is my wife and I can't afford of loosing her." I said while tightening my fist and cut the call as I can not waste my time talking to her.

As I cut the phone and put it back in my pocket we heard the loud noise of bomb blast. Windows glasses broke into pieces and everyone bend down to save themselves. A thin voice of siren was buzzing inside my right ear and everything went blank for a minute. I blinked many times to clear my view and slapped on my right ear to stop that siren.

I looked around and a two lanes away a building was burning with fire. It flames reaches high into the sky.


I shouted out of my lungs and without wasting any minute I ran towards that building.


Aditi's point of view

Smock was burning my lungs. It's getting difficult to breath. Tears falling down from my eyes both from smoke and fear. I don't know what should I do but if I step out from this place rioters would kill me and don't know what will they do to me.

I am stucking in this small place from more than 6 hours. Rioters were inside this building and looting aal the shops and showrooms while hurting people. People were killed by them and I was giding myself in this store room. I don't know how longer I will be able to hide here. I was just hoping that Dhruv reached here soon.

At morning after finishing my exam I went to one of my classmates house to bring some notes she had borrowed from me. But by the time I leave her house and went to MG road to hire and Auto, riots started and the man was standing in-front of me suddenly bring out his sword and started running behind people hurting them. Public transport were flown into the air when some put it in a fire.

Some of the rioters ran towards me and started throwing stones towards in my direction. Somehow I came inside this building and hide myself here in one of the store.

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