6. Crossing the road

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Aditi's point of view

Everyone says that your father and your brother were the one who always protect you from every evil eyes and your mother was the one who will feel your pain without saying any single word but in my case everything is opposite. My father and brother don't care about me and everyone knows how am I close to my mother.

Sometimes I thought, I will let my parents marry me at 18 and will go away far from here. I will start my new life with my new family and my husband will love me unconditionally and protect me from the world. Atleast I will be happy then.

It's not like I am not happy now, instead of all ignorance from my family, I always find my happiness in small things because life is short and no one knows what will happen to you next so I enjoy the every single moment of my life and didn't care about others behavior towards me. They are doing what they are like to do and I was doing what I want to do.

But as soon as the idea came into my mind with another man in my life, as my husband other than Dhruv, it shakes me. I can't imagine anyone in my life as my life partner other than him. I always imagine him as my life partner but a part of my heart know, he can never be mine. He is a star of the universe and I am mere particle of soil in earth. He is a light and I am darkness. He know what he wants to do with his life and I don't know what will I do after my school?

We have huge gap between us. If I want to reach him, I can never cover this gap. You can't touch sky, if you standing on earth. I know we can't be one but atleast my heart at ease that he lives infront of my house and I can see him everyday, if I am lucky.

But what will happen when he leave for further studies and his father get transfer from here?

The question is buzzing in my mind and I didn't realize when I reached the market. I entered the grocery store.

"Namste unce.." I joint my both hands and greet shop owner, Gupta uncle.

Gupta uncle is my father's friend and very kind. Papa and uncle both studied in same school and settled in their home town with their own business. He knows our family very closely and sometimes he came to our house with his family for dinner.

"Nameste beta...How are you?" He asked me kindly.

"As usual..." I replied while giving him a soft smile.

"So tell me...How may I help you?" He asked me while sitting behind the counter in his huge leather chair.

"Thankyou uncle... but I will help myself."

He gave me smile and call one of his staff members and tell him to help me with groceries. I turn around and went to other counter where were staff attending the customers. Gupta uncle's shop is pretty much famous in this area so it is always crowded. Today is not exceptional. I make my way to the staff member which Gupta uncle appointed for me and hand him the grocery list. He checked the list and started picking things for me.

My eyes fell on the coffee powder which was putting on the counter. I picked it up and checked it's price because Atul bhaiya likes to drink coffee at night. Atul bhiya get the Admission in NIT, Mumbai and he will soon leave for college.

I want him to give all my love by my small gestures before he leave for college. I am going to miss him. I might not be best sister for him but I will always consider him my best brother. He supports me when it comes to my studies.

I was thinking of cooking all his favorite food till he is here. He must be like it. Atul bhaiya worked hard to get the admission in government college so papa could afford his tuition fees. He make mummy papa proud and like him, I also want them feel proud so they could realize, girls are not less than boys and make their parents proud also.

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