Chapter 17 - True Colors

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The elevator doors slid shut, sealing me off from Kiyotaka's presence. In the dimly lit lobby, I couldn't help but release a small, audible sigh. The fatigue from our intensive study session weighed on me more heavily than I'd expected. Studying had always been draining, but today seemed particularly exhaustive.

As I stood there, alone in the lobby, my thoughts wandered to recent changes in my life. I'd been making a conscious effort to be more sociable, especially towards Airi and Kiyotaka. I sensed they were beginning to notice this shift in my behavior. It was a subtle change, but to me, it represented a significant departure from my usual reserved self.

I gazed out into the night, a canvas painted with a thousand shimmering stars. The breathtaking view transported me back to a time when I was still an idol, just a few months ago. Those were the days when leisure was a luxury I could hardly afford. My life had been a relentless whirlwind of meet-ups, brand deals, interviews, and countless other obligations. There was always something that needed planning, attention, or action.

That's why I cherished these moments of solitude, high above the world, gazing at the stars from a rooftop. It was the one place where I could truly be alone with my thoughts. No one ever ventured to disturb me during my star-gazing sessions. It was an oasis of peace in the midst of my hectic life. The gentle breeze that caressed my skin seemed to carry away my worries and anxieties. Depending on the location, I could hear the distant hum of traffic, the soothing sounds of nature, or the profound silence of the night. It was my escape.

A wistful smile graced my lips as I allowed myself to drift into reminiscence. My current situation felt worlds apart from those days, yet at their core, both worlds were plagued by similar troubles. I closed my eyes, attempting to let go of the past few months and the overwhelming emotions that came with them. This had become a daily ritual for me, a way to bury my feelings beneath layers of detachment.

But today was different. It was as if all the suppressed thoughts and emotions that I'd been avoiding for weeks had converged upon me in an unstoppable tide. They refused to be ignored any longer, persistently haunting my mind. I can't keep evading them like this, I thought.

And then, almost like a lifeline, an idea blossomed in my mind. What if I just looked at the stars one more time? The thought had arisen so naturally, as if the universe itself had whispered it to me.

I decided to act on that instinct. The rooftop was my sanctuary, and tonight, I needed its solace more than ever.

moved towards the elevator that Kiyotaka had just used and pressed the call button, summoning it down to the lobby. Both the boys' and girls' elevators granted access to the same rooftop, a detail that seemed to have slipped past most students. It was as though I was in a trance, my attention solely focused on the soft ding that signaled the elevator's arrival.

My fingers hovered over the illuminated buttons, seeking the one that would take me to the highest floor—the roof. With a sense of purpose, I located the button I was searching for and pressed it. The doors closed, enveloping me in the quiet hum of the elevator's machinery as it began its ascent. The anticipation I felt was almost palpable as I waited for the gentle vibrations to subside.

As the elevator ascended, I closed my eyes, surrendering myself to the sensation of upward movement. It had been months since I'd indulged in this simple pleasure—gazing at the stars on the rooftop, a ritual that used to be part of my daily life. The thought struck me as odd; something so fundamental to my existence had been altered, hidden away beneath the facade I now wore. It was a change I'd made intentionally, aware that it would raise eyebrows among those who knew me from my previous life.

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