Chapter 18 - Confrontation

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Ayanokoji POV

This unforeseen scenario had taken me by surprise. While I had suspicions about Kushida's facade, anticipating this specific revelation would be an exaggeration. Glancing over at Ai, she appeared slightly shaken, her back pressed against the wall. Meanwhile, Kushida stood in front of her, wearing an expression of anger that I could only imagine was driven by a profound sense of violation. In just under 20 minutes, two individuals had uncovered the carefully guarded secret she had maintained within the school's walls.

Ai: her voice revealing a mix of nervousness and relief, managed to stammer out, "You came!"

Kushida: "Ayanokoji-kun." Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she avoided direct eye contact, her hair shielding her face as it hung low. It contrasted with her usually cheerful demeanor. The tension in the air was palpable, and I knew I had to choose my next words carefully.

Kiyotaka: "What is happening here?" I made sure that my voice remained measured and controlled.

Kushida: "Ayanokoji-kun! This isn't what it looks like, it's just a misunderstanding." In an instant, the Kushida who stood before me transformed, shedding her previous facade and adopting the persona everyone in the school was familiar with. It was damage control at its finest. Her demeanor became more passive, her posture less imposing, and she clasped her hands together, projecting an image of innocence. "Right?" she added, glancing at Ai.

Ai, visibly taken aback by this abrupt shift, stammered, "W-well, the thing is..." Her eyes widened slightly, struggling to comprehend Kushida's rapid change. It was undoubtedly an unsettling sight. Not many would have expected such a stark transformation.

Kushida, seizing control of the narrative, swiftly interjected, "Nothing at all!" She cut off Ai's attempt to explain, leaving Ai momentarily stunned.

In this tense situation, most individuals would remain fixated on Kushida's actions. However, my ability to swiftly process the situation allowed me to observe a subtle detail about Ai. While the majority would be captivated by Kushida's act, Ai's gaze was analytical, betraying a sense of familiarity with Kushida's actions. Not in a way that implied she knew of Kushida's nature, but in a way that implied understanding of them.

Kushida, now back in control of the situation, continued her charade. She meticulously crafted her words, presenting an innocent front.

Kushida: "See, it was all just a silly misunderstanding. I'm sure Ai can confirm." She looked towards Ai, her expression urging agreement.

Ai: "Well, yes, but—" Ai began, attempting to convey something to me, but she was interrupted once again by Kushida.

Kushida: "Exactly! A simple mix-up. These things happen, don't they?"

In the midst of this conversation, I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that I knew more than what was being presented. Kushida's sudden transformation from anger and hate to innocence was too rapid, too rehearsed. It screamed of practiced deception. There was an undercurrent of manipulation in the air.

Ai seemed to be struggling to communicate something urgently. Her eyes darted to me, silently pleading for understanding. However, every time she attempted to speak, Kushida's interruptions thwarted her efforts.

Ai: "But, Kiyotaka-kun, I need to tell you—" Ai tried again, her voice determined, but her words were cut off.

Kushida, with a fake laugh: "Oh Ai, there's no need to trouble Ayanokoji-kun with these minor details. It's all sorted out, really."

Ai seemed frustrated, her eyebrows furrowing as she tried to communicate her message amidst Kushida's attempts to maintain control of the situation.

Ai: "Ayanokoji, it's about Kushida. She—" Once more, she was interrupted, this time by her own sigh of exasperation.

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