Chapter 14 - Moves on a Board

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Kiyotaka POV

What a day it has been. As the bell rang, signaling the the start of evening, I went out of the boys dormintories. For the first time during my time at ANHS, I felt a tinge of annoyance. Most kids my age would undoubtedly feel the same way I did after a difficult exam or a long day of studying and learning. This was not the case for me; rather, it was something altogether else. No, it was the people I needed to speak with that day. What I had to do today could not have been prepared for in the white room. No amount of training or practice could have made me prepared for the task I did today. It was something I don't think I'd ever be able to do effectively.

Talking to idiots.

My objective was straightforward: convince Ike, Sudou, and Yamauchi to join the study group. The trio, often referred to as the "idiot trio," was known in our class for their lack of commitment to academics. Their resistance to the idea of joining a study group was expected, given their lazy and self-centered tendencies. Although I had a small bit of misplaced hope that the potential threat of expulsion would be a strong motivator for them, as it had been for others like Karuizawa and Shinohara. However, their responses had been predictably dismissive. Despite receiving some of the lowest grades in our class during the mock exam, they all turned down the chance to join the study group, and given their behavior in and out of class, I doubt they have gained much in their academics.


Ike: "Ayanakoji, the great Ike doesn't need anyone's help to study! That last test was just a fluke. I'll do what I always do and cram at the last minute."

Yamauchi: "Haha, I've got this covered. I'm a pro at studying while playing video games. You just worry about your own grade Ayanakoji."

Sudou: "Whatever, I don't care. Studying is pointless anyway. My focus is on sports, so leave me alone."

I'll never quite comprehend their perspectives.

While I could resort to manipulation and threats to coerce them into joining, that wasn't my preferred approach. It would require effort that I didn't deem needed for the task and could compromise my public image. To everyone else, I was doing what Hirata and Kushida told me to do, and I wanted to keep it that way. Letting them get expelled would be a fine outcome, but it would only lead to complications that I'd rather avoid. I still needed Class D to be a functional class, and losing classmates this early might break morale. This task also presented an opportunity to develop Horikita's character, a matter I had agreed upon with her brother. My personal feelings about her aside, I was committed to upholding my end of the agreement.

I still can't believe this is how I would spend my weekend... oh well.

Shifting my mental focus away from the rejection that Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou had given  earlier, I redirected my thoughts toward a more practical strategy. While the direct approach hadn't worked with Ike and Yamauchi, I believed there was a simpler, more effective solution that could be employed. I resolved not to dwell too much on these matters for now – simple problems, after all, often called for equally simple solutions. Sudou would be a bit more complicated, though he too had his weaknesses. Weaknesses that I would exploit to its fullest potential.

Clearing my mind of classroom politics, I set my sights on Keiyaki Mall. It had become a regular destination for me lately, not for any specific purpose other than observation. The mall, conveniently equipped with facilities catering to student needs, had become a hub for ANHS students. It provided everything from a gym to stores, a cinema, and even a karaoke venue. ANHS had thoughtfully ensured that students would have ample activities on this secluded island. I had no real intrest in purchasing items or partaking in any of the faucilities, in my mind they were a waste of valueable time and points. When I did purchase an item it was to blend in with the crowd, to make sure my constant lurking wasn't suspicous. The strategy seemed to work, as the workers and employees at the mall seemed to not recognize my face, despite the frequency of my vists.

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