Chapter 11 - Saving Defects

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Kiyotaka POV

As I stood outside the Class D classroom on a peaceful Saturday, I awaited the arrival of the group that had called me here. Most of our classmates were enjoying their free time or studying for their classes, however I received a request from Hirata to meet with him, Kushida, and Horikita. It made sense for Kushida and Hirata to be involved since they were influential figures in our class, and I could see why Horikita was invited, being one the most gifted students in Class D.

However, I couldn't fathom why they wanted me there. I don't think anyone, except maybe Horikita, knew my true capabilities, so I couldn't understand how my presence could be beneficial. Despite the confusion, my curiosity got the best of me, and I showed up curious to see what they had in mind. I tried to keep a cool and thoughtful demeanor, ready to assess the situation and respond accordingly.

As I stood outside the Class D classroom, waiting for the others to arrive, Horikita appeared from around the corner about 15 minutes early. Normally, I wouldn't have paid much attention to her appearnce, but given my recent conversation with her brother, her early arrival caught my eye. Horikita had initially shown no interest in attending this meeting, which I strongly advised her to do,

After agreeing to help her brother overcome her "defect," I felt a obligated to guide her in some aspects. It was evident that she preferred to work alone, relying solely on her own abilities and intellect. While in theory that could be executed effectively, Horikita's approach made her simply isolate herself. Even if she was a capable student, she had nowhere near the ability to handle everything by herseslf. She couldn't do what I could do.

Horikita's sharp gaze met mine as she walked towards the classroom. Her expression was indifferent, as usual, but there was a subtle tension in her body language that indicated she wasn't entirely comfortable being here. I knew that Horikita preferred to work alone, relying solely on her own abilities and intellect, but that approach wasn't always the most effective.

Kiyotaka: "Horikita, you're early."

Horikita Suzune: "I didn't want to keep you waiting."

Kiyotaka: "No need to worry about that. We still have some time before the others arrive."

Horikita Suzune: "Hmph, I don't see the point of this meeting. Convincing the others to take their studies seriously won't be easy."

Kiyotaka: "True, but we have to try. Our class's performance on the last test was poor, and if we don't do something, there might be expulsions."

Horikita Suzune: "And why should I care about that?"

Kiyotaka: "Because it's not just about them. It's about all of us. We're a class, and we should support each other."

Horikita Suzune: "Support? What nonsense. We're here to compete, not to hold each other's hands."

Kiyotaka: "There's nothing wrong with healthy competition, but isolating yourself from everyone will only hinder your growth."

Horikita Suzune: "I don't need anyone else. I'll prove my worth through my own achievements."

Kiyotaka: "You can achieve a lot more if you learn to work with others. Strength comes not just from individual abilities, but from the synergy of a group."

Horikita Suzune: "Synergy? That's just a buzzword people use to justify their lack of individual talent."

Kiyotaka: "It's not about lacking talent. It's about recognizing that we all have strengths and weaknesses. By working together, we can compensate for each other's weaknesses and amplify our strengths."

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