Battle 20: Dig Those Diglett!

Start from the beginning

Niko: That's funny. Normally when you see a bunch of Diglett you see a lot of upturned earth too.

Ash: Hmm. I don't see any upturned earth.

Foreman: Your friend is right. The ground here is covered by concrete. But if you look closely..A crack forms in the concrete road.

Ash: They're underneath.

Niko: Hmm. I wonder what's making them do this.

Misty: It looks like a mini earthquake.

Foreman: And it looks like we'll never be able to accomplish our dream of building the great Giva dam here in these mountains.

Ash: Giva dam?

Foreman: Over there. He pointed. The workers in the dam blew up a rock causing it to fall downward.

Brock: That blasting is part of building a dam?

Foreman: Yes, the blasting is part of building a dam! But we can't get supplies through because of Diglett!

Brock: That is a problem.

Kota: For such little guys, they sure know how to cause trouble.

Foreman: We even created a special division for developing strategies to fight off the Diglett. We're calling for any able Pokémon trainer who's traveling through the area. Somebody with real Pokémon know-how who can help us get rid of these Diglett! The reward is a six night seven day stay at the famous Giva hot springs resort!

Foreman: If you know any Poké...

Ash: We're a whole group of able Pokémon trainers at your service. Ash stated.

Niko: Yeah. Maybe we can help.

Foreman: Oh, so you're the first squad of trainers we called in!

Ash: Oh, well, we weren't exactly called in, b..

Suddenly, Gary Oak, his entourage of girls, and a fleet of buses come pulling up.

Gary: The first Pokémon trainers have arrived! The rest are in these buses.

Ash: It's Gary.

Niko: It is Gary! Niko was just as surprised.

Gary: Huh? Who are.. Well, if it isn't little Ash and Niko from Pallet. What're you doing here?

Niko: Oh, we were just passing by and came to help.

Gary: It must just be an unlucky coincidence. Only the best were invited. Like me, Gary from the town of Pallet. The number one trainer. Niko is third and Ash is fourth!

Niko: Third? Niko pointed at himself.

Ash: I'm fourth? I'm better than that.

Gary: You're the last ones to leave home, but as trainers, you're both third place and dead last.

Ash: Aw!

Niko: Glad to see you haven't changed. 💧

Gary: Now, watch as I step up to the plate, and hit a Pokémon grand slam!

Misty: He's very...

Brock: Detestable.

Duplica: Are you sure you and him come from the same town?

Kota: He's a bit snobby for my liking.

Niko: Nah. That's just how Gary is.

Duplica: What he is, is obnoxious.

Gary: So, Ash, have you or Niko picked up any good Pokémon?

Ash: Of course I have. You wanna see?

Niko: Me too! You wanna meet em?

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