1 - 1 - Weaselbee

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Name and cover are both subject to change

"Ronald Bilius Weasley!" You screeched through the Burrow, mad as ever. "Will you shut up for once? You're always mad about something!" He said, clearly annoyed with you. This was the third time you'd yelled at him this week. It was Tuesday. "Where's River?" Your brother rolled his eyes. "Merlin, how am I supposed to know!? She's your cat! You don't see me running around for Scabbers because I never lose him!" "No, you do! You just don't care, you heartless gobin." "Hey, that's an upgrade from 'disfigured house elf'!" Fred said, patting Ron's back. "Maybe next time it'll be something along the lines of 'quiet mandrake'!" His twin followed up, patting their younger brother on his back.

You and Ron ignored the twins. You were used to their unasked hilarious comments. "Will you at least act like you love me! Merlin, you're my sister!" You rolled your eyes. "Ron, let me be honest with you." You squished your brother's cheeks together like he was nothing but a two year old. You had an innocent smile on your face that instantly dropped as soon as the next words left your mouth. "If Percy hadn't been born, you would be my least favorite brother."

"Oh, will you lot stop bickering! Pack your trunks and eat breakfast, we leave in an hour!" "Mummy, have you seen River? I looked everywhere, even Ron's gross dirty laundry... I can't find her anywhere!" You said, Ron rolling his eyes of how quickly you put on your nice, innocent face for your mom. "Yes, dear. She's rolling around in the garden. Pack your trunk and eat, then brush all the grass out of her fur, will you dear?" "Of course, mum." You sat down at the table and ate all of your food, realizing you hadn't packed any the night before.

After an hour of eating and packing and brushing, it was time to go. Luckily, you were ready. You put River in her cage. River was still a baby, you had bought her at Diagon Alley only 3 days earlier with your own money. Turns out all that betting with Fred and George was worth it. She was light grey with black stripes. Her hair and whiskers were long and the face area around her nose and her chin were white. She had blue eyes and was quite fond of water, which inspired her name.

"Is everyone ready?" Your mother looked to her children. Bill was the oldest, followed by Charlie. Neither of them lived here since both of them had already graduated from Hogwarts. Percy was your oldest in-house brother. He was the biggest prick you had ever met. Rules were his only true love. It was like he was out for you, if you or any of your siblings did something even remotely against the rules, Mum and Dad new about it. Fred and George, your favorite brothers, were next in line. They were a pair of goofy twins; pranksters and jokers. When they were around, everyone laughed and had fun. You also suspected you were their favorite sibling, since they joked around with you the most. You and Ron were the next twins to come. You two, unlike the older identical twins, didn't look much the same. You were bored with your old ginger hair that was the exact same as everyone else in your family, so you dyed it often. You two did, however, share a love for food. You loved it, but not quite as much as him. He always had a snack or meal with him and, even as a baby, would always steal off of your plate. Ginny was the youngest, and the only other sister in the family. She was more of your twin than Ron. A good chunk of your time was spent with her.

"Ready as ever, mum." All of you walked to the fireplace, Percy went first. "Kings Cross Train Station." He said and dropped his handful of Floo Powder. Fred went, then George. You were to go next. You grabbed a handful of Floo Powder from your Mum and stepped into the fireplace with your trunk and River in her cage on top of the trunk. "King's Cross Train Station." You said and dropped it. Your body erupted into green flames, but it didn't hurt at all. The next thing you knew, you were in the back of Diagon Alley, your three older brothers standing around you. You got out of the fireplace.

"You know, that's how you were born..." "...Straight out of the flames of hell." The twins commented with a snarky smile on their face. "We really are siblings then, aren't we?" You said, returning their smile. Ron was next out of the flames, having soot and dirt on his nose. "And there's demon number two." Fred said, him and his brother snickering and earning glares from Percy. Mum appeared in the flames next, along side Ginny. Fred and George didn't dare make their demon joke around your mum.

No one has to know (Draco x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ