Chapter 9 - I Need to Wrap this up

Start from the beginning

"But..." he attempts to speak, but I don't allow him to.

"No Loki" I continue, "I could've died, you could've died, anything could have happened to either of us and what would we have had as our last memories? You hurrying away from me anytime I tried to talk to you. You have no idea how that hurt me! You have no idea what I went through."

He eventually gets to his feet and my tears start in earnest as I turn away from him.

"F/n" he says and reaches out to touch me.

"No!" I yell and shake his hands from my shoulders, and I take a step towards him.

He backs aways and holds his hands up in surrender but can see that my knuckles are bruising and swelling from hitting him.

"Alright, alright, trust me... I do not want to feel that punch or kick again. Please calm down. We are both a tad emotional at the moment..." he begins, and I roll my eyes and cross my arms in front of me.

"Don't tell me that the god of mischief is going to attempt to be the voice of reason in this matter?" I spit out and feel like I cannot control my anger or rage at him, or at this moment. "Besides, whatever pain you might be feeling now, is nowhere near the pain I felt without you in my life!"

He continues to hold his hands up as if to show he is unarmed.

"I was merely going to suggest that we not talk about this tonight, and attempt to enjoy the evening." He smiles, and plays my last words over in his head, "I suspect that our mothers would like to see that we have reunited. So what do you say, lets put on a court face for the moment, and we can revisit this later. The night is still young...and it looks to be beautiful one. I can't imagine anyone else I would want to spend it with than you."

He holds a hand out to me, expecting me to take it, and I just walk by him, bumping his shoulder on purpose. My mom and Frigga are headed to the terrace as they were looking for both of us.

"Oh no...she does not look happy" Frigga says as they slow their walk, just as Loki appears in the doors from the terrace and walks over to get a drink heading in the opposite direction from me, "I think I know why, and Loki appears to walking funny..."

"I guess they have found each other again..." Kathalia says, "it is never a dull moment with those two is it?"

"Hi" I say somewhat exhausted, as I get to the moms, "Ummm, mom, your majesty, this has been a lovely ball, but I am kind of tired, and I would like to go home. See you there, mom?"

"Wait,'s way too early for you to be leaving," my mom says, and grabs my arms to keep me from going any further, "what happened with you and Loki? He's walking funny, and your hand is starting to bruise... and you look like you are upset."

I look at my hand and shrug my shoulders.

"Oh that..." I say, "I kneed him, and punched him. Well, good night ladies."

With that I take my leave, and get to the doors of the ballroom. I turn back towards the room, more specifically in the direction of the bar and the rest of our group of friends, and Loki's stare. We lock eyes for a moment, and he raises his drink in my direction while winking at me. Shaking my head, and rolling my eyes I leave the ball and head home.

Never have I been so happy to see my room, and just a chance to relax again. I know I have been back a few days, but if today was the first day I was really lucid, as my mom says, then I haven't had a day to me. I could have had that today, but I did choose to hang out with Sif this afternoon. So now, for tonight, and at least for tomorrow, I choose to hang out with me.

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