I sat in the grass for a few moments, trying to steady my breathing and ground myself. Nature had always been a close friend of mine. It had been a while since I was able to just sit down in the grass and relax like this.

"Feeling better?" Caspian's voice startled me. He must have been sitting next to me for quite a while, as I didn't remember hearing his footsteps. "It's a nice day, a bit chilly though."

I nodded, my arms wrapping around my legs in an attempt to comfort myself and to keep my back straight. "It's getting towards winter."

Caspian huffed. "You didn't answer my other question," he pointed out. "As alpha of your pack, I don't like that. At least not without some reason as to why it's getting ignored."

"My pack?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. I'd been told time and time again that I was a part of their pack, from Farley, Iris, and even Rowan. But I hadn't actually heard it from Caspian before.

"Yeah, you know? The one without a name that I'm the alpha of?" He questioned. "I should really come up with a name for us, but it's just difficult." He then nudged me extremely lightly. As though he was scared that I would break. "Now, answer the question."

"Well, my chest hurts," I said slowly. I didn't really know what he wanted to hear, which made me uncomfortable. "My head hurts a little, I'm a bit disappointed that I was teased with a video of my parents."

Caspian waited until I stopped speaking to say, "I'm glad that you're being honest. It's not good to keep things to yourself, sometimes it just eats at you too much." He sighed a little. "I've been meaning to ask you about joining the pack, but there's never really been a good time."

I nodded. I couldn't disagree with the fact that we had been practically busy non-stop. The events had been so uncertain that there really hadn't been a good time for talking about things which were slightly less important.

"Along with the fact that I thought that you would marry into the pack," he continued.

I choked on some saliva. I could imagine him grinning at me, a teasing expression on his face.

"What?" I asked. "I don't think that'll happen anytime soon." I shook my head. My ears were burning hot. The very thought of that happening, not even before I had met Farley, had never crossed my mind. Getting married to someone was a strange thought, but six months ago, finding someone to be in a relationship with was a laughable thought.

"Don't sell yourself short," Caspian told me. "It might happen sooner than you think. Or it might not happen. Either way, I'm putting the offer out to you."

I covered my mouth with my left hand, a position which I found comforting for a reason that I didn't know. "To be in your pack?" I asked. I wanted to make sure that I completely understood what he was talking about.

He laughed a little. "Yes, to be in my pack." He paused for a moment. "Is it really that shocking? Farley's practically claimed you."

A shiver ran down my spine. "Don't say that" I said quickly. "I don't like that idea."

"You know how we are though, werewolves," Caspian pointed out.

I did. I knew exactly what he meant. Farley had let me sleep in his bed, his territory. It was a sign from the very start that there was something strange about the situation. Though, saying that he had 'claimed' me made me feel like something less than a person. It wasn't the case, and I'm sure it wasn't his intention.

"Besides, I want the excuse to expand the house," he said after a minute. "I might even just put Rowan in Iris' room."

I snorted. "You have a better chance of bulldozing the house and rebuilding it than going well." I could imagine Iris and Rowan constantly arguing. They were nearly complete opposites. The number of times that Iris came into our room and started to complain about how untidy it was, was more times than I could count on both hands.

"True, it'd be a lot less messier."

We shared a small laugh.

"I'd be honoured to join your pack," I told him. "I'm not sure what help I'd be, and I'm really not a very good asset."

Caspian placed a hand on my shoulder. It was a simple gesture, but it was extremely comforting. "A pack isn't always about assets. A pack is about family and being there for each other. It's about who we have ties with and who we'll stay faithful to."

I don't know why that made my eyes water. He was stating what I had felt all through my life. I had only felt like a useless asset before I met Farley, but I was starting to understand that I shouldn't have been feeling like an asset at all.

Several pairs of arms wrapped around me from all different angles. I could smell lavender, sandalwood, plum, and some sort of artificial cheese. The arms were gentle, as though they were also scared to break me. At this point, I was more likely to break down than break apart.

"You're gonna make me cry," Clementine whined. "I've done enough of that."

"Sorry," I said, and a laugh escaped when some of the arms tightened around me.

"Sorries are worse than crying," Iris complained.

"We should go see Farley," Rowan said after a while of hugging. "He can't miss out on this."

Hello lovelies!!

I hope that you've all had a brilliant weekend :D

As this story comes to a close, it only seems fit that the question of the chapter be: who is your favourite character in this story? 

I really love Rowan and Iris' relationship- which really surprised me as I was writing it. They have definitely been two of my favourite characters!

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