Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


I didn't like the idea, but I'm not sure many did. Pax had been fidgeting throughout the entire conversation. I kept my eye on him as I walked through the room and greeted people. The children had grown significantly since I had last seen them, though I guess I couldn't call them children anymore. They're just a little bit younger than me, about five years or so.

We left the building in groups of five to seem less suspicious and to make sure that there weren't any lingering threats. I held Pax's hand as we strolled down the street with Rowan, Iris, Clementine, and Caspian behind us. Iris had her arm wrapped around Rowan for about five minutes, but soon gave up and limped slowly.

"Is the house big enough?" Clementine asked worriedly. She had been asking questions since we had left. "Surely, there's somewhere else. We could sort something out."

"Well, our house won't really work," Rowan grumbled. His tone lowered whenever he talked about his childhood home. "It's just two rooms."

"It might help," Iris said softly. "More room is more room. We don't have to go there."

The reason that the twins stayed with their aunt was because their parents had been sentenced to jail seven years ago. According to the twins, they knew nothing about it and their parents were loving people. This was also recited by Clementine, but she was far less confident in her statement.

"There isn't anything left in the house," Clementine pointed out. "Everything's in storage or at my house."

Their family was pretty well-off considering everything that happened and the fact that they're werewolves with no permanent day-job. They owned several houses and had a substantial amount of family savings. I know that Iris wants to get a normal job, and that Rowan would rather run around the Earth than to get one.

"Only if they're comfortable with it," Rowan muttered.

"I'm sure my parents would be able to offer a roof too," I said as we rounded onto our street.

I glanced over to Pax, who was staring at the pavement. I nudged him a little, but he didn't look up. "Are you okay?"

He hummed and nodded. "Yeah," his voice wavered. "Are you?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, but he didn't notice. I sighed and squeezed his hand. "Yeah, just very stressed." I swung our hands back and forth, hoping to at least a smile would twitch onto his lips.

He just shook his head and continued to walk until we were at our house. Aiden, Ralph, Harlow, Karim, and Emerson stood at the end of the street, waiting for us to open the house.

Our neighbours weren't too nosy, but they would definitely notice and question why strangers were entering our house whilst we weren't there.

"Nice place," Emerson complimented as she looked around the living room. "I appreciate the aesthetic."

"Thank you," Clementine replied with a smile. "I put a lot of effort into it."

Rowan snorted and helped Iris sit on the settee and put her legs up.

"I'll be right back," Pax told me before leaving the room and heading upstairs. His footsteps were silent, as though he didn't want anyone to notice his absence. I leant against the wall and observed the conversation, quite similar to how Karim was acting actually.

I was worried about Pax; he'd been rather silent since we were attacked. He had been getting better at talking and showing his opinions over the past month, I'd hate for the progress to be lost. His absence made me even more worried. What was he doing? I didn't know the answers, but I wasn't going to bug him to find out. I felt coldness in my stomach, a sort of fear which I couldn't explain. It had been there all day, but it hadn't gone away despite being somewhere safe.

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