Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Farley was right when he said a family meeting would be called. I expected to be sat in the living room with the rest of the pack, but I was surprised when Brin and Lana's voices echoed through the house.

I took a deep breath; the smell of coffee and mint filled my nose and helped me to relax. I was borrowing some of Farley's clothes. We weren't too different in size, but they hung off me a little. Still, I was grateful for whatever help I received.

"Farley," Lana exclaimed as her voice became clear. "I've missed you."

Farley stood up from beside me, the settee moving with his action. "I missed you too." The muffled nature of his voice told me that he was hugging her. "You too, dad."

"Now, now. It's only been a few months, no need for a hug." Farley must've been hugging Brin by that point, as his voice was also muffled.

"You can let go now dad," Farley said awkwardly. A leg touched mine, Farley had stepped backwards. "This is Pax."

"It is," Lana said, and I was suddenly hit with the smell of perfume and citrus. Lana's arms squeezed so tight; I felt my breath being knocked out of me. She rocked us left to right a few times before letting go and holding my arms. "You look so much like your parents."

That was one of the strangest things I had experienced. It was unexpected but it made me feel warm on the inside, as well as the outside.

"Nice to meet you," I stuttered out. I had the strangest sense of déjà vu, hadn't we introduced ourselves already? Is it normal for people to do this several times until they learned somebody's name? Maybe I'd done something wrong the first time.

My hand was then gently grabbed by someone with a firm grip. The hand was covered in calluses and scars. "Good to meet you, son." I'm guessing that Brin was shaking my hand.

"And you," I replied, holding back a big sigh.

"Alright, let's not make this extremely awkward." Farley pulled me back down beside him when Brin let go of my hand. "We've got to try and figure out what to do, and what we know."

"I'm assuming you mean what your parents know?" Clementine asked from her spot across the room. She was in the direction of a fluffy chair, so I'm assuming that's where she was sitting. Iris and Rowan were sat on the floor on top of some very comfortable meditation cushions. "Because we know bugger all."

Lana chuckled. "I'm afraid we're not fountains of knowledge on the subject, but we'll try."

I was waiting for the moment when my condition was brought up, but it hadn't been so far. Maybe my awkwardness on the video call was enough to make my blindness clear, or maybe it was just too obvious for anyone at this point. They also could've been told before hand. There were many possibilities.

"You are in comparison to us," Caspian informed. "Can I get you anything?" The question sounded strange, I recognised the manners, but the wording was still odd to me.

"We're fine, thank you," Lana replied. "I think we would all rather get this over with. At least the tense parts. We can have a nice cuppa later."

If I had the willpower to nod, I would've been doing it vigorously.

"I would like that very much," Rowan announced. "The rain cloud has been here for far too long."

I was that rain cloud, at least it felt like it. I couldn't blame them for wanting the rain cloud to be out of the way and for the sun to shine.

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