Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


I didn't remember getting home. All I could remember was blurs of the trees and brown eyes staring into nothingness. I could still feel soft fur on my fingertips, making me want the sensation again just to prove that I didn't imagine it. So, when I woke up to blue walls, I was startled.

"Hey," Pax's voice came from behind me.

My vision started to clear, and warmth spread from my right hand. I was tucked into my bed with very little room to move. My arms were out of the quilt and my hand was being held by Pax.

"Hello," I replied. My voice was hoarse, and my throat felt like a desert. "How'd I get here?" I blinked a few times.

Pax was wearing one of my grey t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. He had his legs crossed on the makeshift stool and would be perceived as calm, if not for the creasing in his forehead.

"We teleported you here using a magic wand," Pax said sarcastically with a grin. "How're you feeling?"

I tried to sit up, but my limbs felt too heavy. "I hurt," I said through clenched teeth as a pain shot through my stomach. "What happened?"

His grin turned into a frown. "We got out of the tunnels, but you were badly injured. So your dad came and helped get you here in one piece."

I remembered that, the blurry face of my father telling me to keep still as he examined the wounds on my chest. That made a flood of memories of the tunnels come back to me.

"Is everyone else, okay?" I asked, trying even harder to sit up.

Pax's hand travelled to my shoulders and pushed me down again. "You're not allowed to strain yourself, your dad's orders." He paused for a moment. "Everyone's fine, Rowan's a little embarrassed."

I chuckled at his over-protectiveness. "Can I at least get some water?"

Pax tilted his head to the side, as though considering it. "I suppose." He swung in his chair and exited the room.

I rested my head back into the pillow, closing my eyes and concentrating on staying grounded. It was tempting to fall back asleep. Pax went downstairs and into the kitchen, turning the tap on rather fast for a simple glass of water. There was muffled voices and footsteps bounding up the stairs.

"Farley?" Rowan asked from the doorway.

I opened my eyes, sent him a smile and a thumbs up, before saying, "Rowan." I had copied his tone, causing him to grin. He stood up straight and entered the room fully, kicking the chair out of the way as he sat on my bed. "Watch it," I warned teasingly. Yet, it felt natural to do so.

"What? Is Pax the only one allowed on your bed now?" he joked back. When I didn't answer, a grin came to his face, and he nodded. "I see, I see. Well, I'm happy to see you're awake."

I spluttered out a laugh. "Me too. Happy to know you didn't lose your sense of humour," I said. The words might have sounded strange to others, but to us, it meant that we're happy that each other was safe and sound.

"Your dad's been coming round every few hours," Rowan explained. "He'll be here soon, it's about two pm."

Pax was at the door by now. Gingerly carrying a full glass of water. His fingers were getting wet, but he was shuffling, so it wasn't much of a spill.

"What's been moved?" Pax asked. He had shuffled to where the chair used to be, trying to find it with his knee.

"The stool," Rowan answered and stood up. He fetched the stool and put it to where Pax had left it.

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