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-not the best chapter but it's a thing XD-


Felix's carer had settled in last night, a spare bed she had got set up in the corner of his room with most of her belongings stuffed beneath. Jisung had calmed down and Hyunjin had left, the couple downstairs dancing to some quiet music as they cooked. Jisung was doing the toast and smaller things while Minho worked with the pans and oven, they loved days like this. It was so domestic and it felt like they'd been together their entire lives. Jisung finished up first, his hands landing around Minho's waist while his head settled on his shoulder. "How much longer?" He asked, fingers slipping up his shirt.

"Few minutes, what's up?" Minho flipped the bacon one last time before turning to Jisung.

"Just drained from yesterday," Jisung mumbled, pulling him closer.

"Let me dish everything up then cuddles on the settee, okay?" Jisung nodded and left for the living room, greeting the carer before laying on the sofa.

"If you feel more comfortable try not to acknowledge me, do what you're accustomed to. I'm here to help not intrude," She smiled, watching the TV. Jisung hummed before noticing his boyfriend coming in.

"Gonna let it cool down, want your cuddles?" Jisung nodded, grabbing his face and pulling him down into a kiss, partially missing since they looked upside down at each other. "At least let me lay down," He chuckled, walking around the arm of the chair. Jisung stuffed his head into his shoulder, breathing him in with a content noise.

"I love you so much," He accidentally moaned out, the other flushing red. "I was not meant to say it like that but that works too," He mumbled, extremely embarrassed. Minho caught his lips, holding his cheek and rubbing small circles.

"Don't worry, you can say it like that as many times as you want when we're upstairs," Jisung whined and hit his arm, pulling him to hide his face in his chest.

"Shut up, go call Felix for food," Jisung muttered, cheeks bright red.

"I'll do it, to save you from moving," the lady offered, standing and going upstairs. Minho pressed his head into his chest, nuzzling against it to get closer to Jisung.

"Rub any harder and you're gonna give me friction burn, chill," Jisung chuckled, playing with his hair. Minho shrugged, pulling the neckline of his shirt down to kiss his collarbones.

"Well, I want cuddles so deal with it,"


Felix was sitting in his room, laptop placed in front of him with Minecraft on the screen. He was on call to his boyfriend playing a game of build battle duos. "Seung, I'm gonna mute for a second, yeah?" When he acknowledged him he hit the mute button, raising his eyebrows at his carer.

"Scared he can hear you?" Felix nodded, "Alright, do you need them?" He nodded again, Youngji going to grab his medicine. Every time he gets a pain in his chest he takes them, always has since he was a baby.

"Thanks," he smiled, taking the tablets and laying on his back.

"Oh, food is ready by the way," she remembered, getting up and going to the door. "Come downstairs,"

"Seung, I gotta go for food. I'll ring you back after, yeah?" Seungmin hummed on the other side before leaving the call. Felix shrugged, also leaving the VC and heading downstairs. "Hi," he smiled, grabbing his plate and sitting on the settee.

"Hi, feeling alright?" Felix nodded and started eating. Jisung sat opposite him, kicking his feet and starting up some random small talk between all four of them. He finally got around to setting up arrangements with the carer and what last option routes they could take if the doctors refused to give him more medication. Felix easily agreed to everything, he was quite scared but if they had a plan in place, he'd be fine. Right?

"Oh, Felix, me and Jisung are going on a walk later. Try and tell her about everything, I'm sure it'll be easier without us in the background," Minho spoke up, taking Jisung's hand under the table and squeezing it. 

"We could go now?" Minho agreed and they got up, washing the dishes and heading upstairs to get dressed. Jisung lay on the bed, Minho happily dumping his full weight on top of him. "It's too early for this,"

"Jisung, it is three in the afternoon,"

"Every time is too early," He mumbled, threading his fingers through Minho's hair. "Get up, we need to not wear pyjamas," Minho rolled off him, the younger going to his wardrobe and stealing his entire outfit from Minho's side. Jisung got dressed first, wrapping himself in a blanket while he waited. "It's fucking freezing," He complained, watching Minho pull his shirt off.

"Good job your boyfriend is a walking heater," Minho chuckled, grabbing some clothes and changing into them. "We'll get the big coats out, you're not getting sick on my watch," Jisung nodded and followed him downstairs, going into the cupboard and pulling them out. Minho gently wrapped Jisung up, giving him a scarf and gloves before bidding goodbye to everyone.

"Can we go in the forest? It's been quite a while now," Jisung mumbled, the lower half of his face stuffed in Minho's scarf. Minho agreed and tugged him along, wanting to huddle together faster. Minho managed to climb up first, Jisung following and crashing onto Minho's lap. "Remember when you got caught up when we were kissing and came on my lap," Jisung chuckled, hiding in his neck.

"Shush, I'm sensitive," Minho huffed, kissing his temple. "I bet I could make you cum on my lap," He muttered, a slight pout on his lips.

"At home, it's too cold," Jisung chuckled, hugging him tightly.


"So, what do we need to talk about?" Youngji asked, sitting on the opposite settee.

"Well, long story short, I got kicked out a while ago and moved in with my boyfriend temporarily then when Minho and Jisung officially got together Minho got kicked out and moved in with him. Then my temp stay finished so Jisung offered me his spare room. One day, Dad came asking to talk, he wanted to know why we took his disability payments out of his name since none of that was going to us when we lived with him. Minho explained that it was for us and Ji kicked him out. Uh, a few days ago he messaged me telling me that they're cancelling my heart medication until we give them all the money and move back in with them," Felix rambled, leaning into the settee cushions.

"Right, well I've got a phone call in about an hour, I'll tell them all this and see what I can do, okay?     


"Felix! You alright?" Minho asked, the pair walking through the door and pulling off their outerwear.

"Yeah, just talking about hospital appointments and that," He responded, chuckling at Jisung falling over a shoe.

"Minho," Jisung whined, getting tangled in his coat and falling over.

"Oh, baby," Minho chuckled, walking over and untying the elastic attached to his boot lace. "Shh, don't panic," He hummed, carefully removing everything and picking him up.

"I'm really cold and that really hurt," He muttered, leaning into him. 

"Let's get you in the bath," Jisung nodded and padded after him. Minho ran the bath while Jisung grabbed some comfy clothes and the laptop.

"Bath date," He hummed, placing it on the toilet and starting up Adventure Time. Minho climbed in, letting Jisung straddle his thighs so they could cuddle.


'I don't care how complicated this gets, I still want you'

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