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Friday - same day

"Do you need anything? Do you want any food?" Jisung asked, sitting in the guest bedroom while Minho moved all of his stuff into his bedroom. 

"I'm alright, just exhausted. They made me leave at six in the morning," Felix yawned, laying back on Seungmin. The three had just finished setting up his room. "We'll join you for dinner later. Right now, I just need sleep," Jisung nodded and patted his head.

"Sleep well. I'll call you down later," Jisung left and turned off the light, wrapping his arms around Minho's waist. "I love you," he mumbled.

"I love you too. I'm almost done. Then we can do everything you wanted to," Jisung kissed his neck and lay on the bed, watching the elder put his clothes away. He stretched his arms before going to get the facemasks and nail polish.

"We're doing it in the living room. Let me make hot chocolate and get some other stuff," Jisung left to go downstairs, making the drinks while humming a song. He placed them on the coffee table with some hair ties and the rest of the stuff he wanted to use. Minho returned later with a little bottle and put it on the desk.

"You seem stressed again, so I'm giving you a proper massage," Minho smiled, holding his cheeks to peck him. Jisung put Spotify on the TV and left one of his chill playlists on.

"Come here," Jisung sat cross-legged opposite the elder. He pulled his face closer and put pigtails in his hair before putting on the face mask. "Cute," He giggled, kissing his lips.

"Can I do that to you too?" Jisung nodded and let Minho put a palm tree in his hair, also applying the mask to him. The younger grabbed his laptop and pulled up Netflix. He loaded up Howl's Moving Castle so they could watch the start of it so the masks could set. They'd watch the rest later. "How long do they take?" Minho asked, cuddling further into his body.

"Like half an hour, let me do your nails," Minho agreed and picked some up. He grabbed a mint green and black, letting Jisung alternate colours. "Can we match? I'll do red and black," Jisung asked, finishing off his first hand. 

"We have to," Minho smiled, kissing his cheek. When Jisung finished his nails, Minho spun around, putting the laptop on the coffee table to focus on what he was doing. Jisung's nails were long and pretty. Hopefully, he wouldn't make a mess. His tongue stuck out slightly as he focused, painting each nail as neatly as possible. He took a lot longer than Jisung, finishing up the second hand and blowing on them. "So, does this dry fast?"

"Yep, they're the ultra-dry ones. It'll only take five minutes, then we should wash this off our faces," Jisung took a sip of his hot chocolate; they had been drinking it throughout. The pair blew on their nails, letting the substance dry before Jisung tapped each one to check if they were dry. "Okay, let's go to the bathroom," Minho nodded and took his hand, letting him pull him upstairs. Jisung washed both of their faces and dried them off.

"Go take your shirt off and lay on your stomach. I need the toilet," Jisung did as he was told and lay on the fluffy rug in the centre of the living room. Minho came back with two towels. "Lay on this. I don't wanna ruin the rug," Jisung let him place the towel underneath him and got back onto his stomach. He sat over the younger's ass and reached for the bottle of massage oil.

"Ah- that's cold," Jisung complained, resting on his arms.

"I'm sorry, it'll get warmer," Jisung nodded and closed his eyes. Minho lathered it over his back and started to work out all the knots he found in his back. "Is this alright?" Minho asked, rubbing his shoulder.

"Mmh, yeah," Jisung moaned. It felt great. "Why are you so good at this," He mumbled, letting him continue.

"I don't know. I just like doing it," He admitted, a louder noise coming from the younger, "Sorry," he worked that spot gentler, making sure to kiss it after. He slowly worked around his back before gently rubbing his sides. He pressed a few kisses on his shoulders before squeezing his side.

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