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It was date night. Both boys spent the day at school relentlessly flirting and teasing each other, sneaking off to the bathrooms to make out. They were both ecstatic, giggling and goofing around as their friends just shook their heads and watched. "Are you two gonna kiss already, or do we have to watch you both pine for the rest of our lives," Hyunjin complained, the two only looking at each other and blushing.

"Well," Jisung laughed, tracing Minho's jaw, "We could," he continued, the eldest laughing along. Hyunjin lifted a brow, slightly confused. Jisung kissed his lips and leaned into his side, the other's jaw-dropping.

"You bitch! You hid it for me," Hyunjin started to freak out happily. "Oh my god, I'm so happy you got your shit together," He added, eating his food. The three finished off their food, Jisung drinking a carton of milk. 

"We're going on a first date tonight," Jisung smiled. He was so excited.

"Have fun then. This guy is coming over to mine tonight," Hyunjin winked, pointing at his boyfriend.

"I didn't need to know that," Jisung snorted. He wondered what their first time would be like - but that was for the future. Tonight they were gonna be having fun, eating at the restaurant and watching a movie to fall asleep too. "Can we go home early? I wanna get done up for tonight," Jisung admitted. He wanted to feel pretty. 

"Of course, let's go," Minho took his hand, and they bid goodbye to their friends. "I'll tell my dad I got out early; it has happened a lot in the last year, so I'll be fine," Jisung nodded, and they walked home. He kissed him goodbye at his gate and walked into the house. Jisung skipped up the stairs and grabbed some hair products and makeup. He laid them out on the main bathroom counter, and he ran the bath. They had a jacuzzi tub in the main bath. He turned it on and added bubbles and a bath bomb. Going back to his room, he stripped off all of his clothes, wrapped a towel around his waist and got some of his skincare products out and headed back. Once the bath was full, it was far too hot to get in yet, so he flopped back onto his bed, reaching into the middle drawer and pulling out a vibrator.


"I'm home! They sent some of us on study leave since the teachers didn't arrive," He yelled as he walked in the door; his father was at work, but his mother was still home.

"That's alright. How's your friend doing? He seemed agitated the last time he was here," She asked, patting the seat next to her.

"Ah, his grandma just passed. Sorry about that, he just didn't wanna go home straight away," Minho informed, smiling at the thought of the boy he was going to see that night.

"Oh, that's sad. Well, you should go study. You can come out of your room at five," Minho nodded and ran off upstairs to get his computer and headphones. Time seemed to drag, the clock on the corner of his screen slowly ticking by. Once it hit three, he decided it was time to get ready. They decided not to wear anything fancy, just whatever was comfortable to eat out in. He hopped in the shower to clean his hair and body before stepping out. He decided he would crimp his hair for once, making sure to brush it out so it was fluffy for Jisung to play with. Looking at his phone, it was nearing four. He sat down at his desk with a mirror and applied a small amount of makeup. Just some lip tint, eyeliner and some mascara. All of it was very subtle, but he thought he looked great.

"Ah, what to wear," he hummed, putting some music on and hunting through his wardrobe. He settled on a pair of baggy light blue ripped jeans and an oversized purple jumper that got tucked in at the side. Half four. Maybe he started to get dressed a bit too early. Jisung mentioned a huge surprise earlier that day; he said Minho would love it. Tapping his foot, he decided to video call Jisung.

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