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"Minho! Breakfast," a high voice called, the boy rolling his eyes as he kicked his feet over the side of his bunk bed.

"Lix, get up," he groaned, climbing down and patting his younger brother on the stomach. "I'm sleeping out tonight, so you have a free room, by the way," Minho brought up before heading downstairs.

"Good morning, Min. Pancakes will be done soon," his mother spoke, going into the kitchen and flipping them over.

"Can I stay with a friend tonight? It's the boy over the street," Minho asked, pointing out the window where Jisung and his grandma were watering the flowers.

"Ah, he seems like a sweetheart; of course, you can. Do we get to meet him, dear?" Minho nodded.

"Yeah, when he's ready, of course," Minho added. He wanted Jisung to be comfortable before anything else.

"I raised you well," She smiled, messing his morning hair before letting him sit down, "Is your brother awake?"

"Yeah, just a lazy fifteen-year-old," Minho shrugged; Felix was three years younger than him. Felix came down a few moments later, baggy hoodie and sweats covering his thin, bruised frame. Minho had just dragged himself down in whatever he was wearing, a blue pair of loose shorts and nothing else.

The Lee family, through generations, each set of children were put through abuse by their parents, be it going through foster homes, mental abuse or physical abuse — it was bound to happen. The eldest got mental abuse (Minho), the middle child usually received the physical or foster care system, and Felix had been getting beaten since he was five. Their youngest daughter — two months old — was their golden child. She was not to be harmed, touched or moved throughout her life. They never wanted boys. They deserved to be hurt; Dahye was different. She needed to have the best life possible as their only daughter. Minho zoned out, staring through the glass. Jisung and his grandma were messing around with the watering cans and having fun. He wanted something like that, be it with his family or Jisung himself.

"Our Minho is staying out tonight," His mother called, noticing their dad had just returned.

"What are we gonna do with him?" He started, pushing Felix forward, "We can't just have one go and not the other," he huffed.

"The boy he met doesn't know Felix, and I think Minho just wants to hang out with his friend," She spoke, dishing out the pancakes and inviting him to sit.

"Go ask your friend if Felix can tag along," his dad ordered, pointing to the door. Minho nodded and ran upstairs to get dressed. No food today. He quickly left the house and ran over to Jisung's. He didn't mind his parents were watching him. He just wanted to see him.

Jisung heard a pair of footsteps before looking up with a smile, "Minho!" He laughed, running to meet him before pulling him into a hug. "Grandma, this is Minho, the boy I met at school," he relayed, holding onto his hand like last night.

"Hello dear, I'm glad to meet you. Jisung said you'll be staying over tonight?" Minho nodded and hugged her.

"Yeah, about that, my dad is a bit of a — well, I don't know how to say this without swearing — he's a prick and hates my little brother, so he's forcing me to ask you if he can also come," Minho rambled, face turning red.

"Oh, that's fine, Min, you told me about your dad, and I want to make sure you're okay," Jisung answered, rubbing his knuckles gently. "Go tell your brother he's welcome to join. Just it might take me a bit to warm up and talk to him," Minho thanked him and hugged him.

"I'll be over in a bit. Gotta get Lix sorted, again I apologize," he bowed before fluffing Jisung's hair and running back over the road. "He's allowed, just don't fucking hurt him," Minho panted, pulling his younger brother up the stairs.

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