Chapter -26

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A profound darkness swallowed Shaoshang, leaving her suspended in an endless void. Within this boundless obscurity, an eerie calm held sway.

'Why can't I just return? Why do I unravel periodically, despite my best efforts?'

Resigned to this relentless cycle of pain, Shaoshang closed her eyes.


"Listen to my voice."

"Shaoshang! Listen to my voice."

A glimmer of light pierced through her profound darkness, offering her a path to escape. She reached out and clung to it.

Struggling to keep her eyelids from closing, she directed her gaze towards the source of the comforting voice. It seemed that life's trials always unfolded at the most challenging moments, she mused.

"Shhh... Everything will be alright. Just breathe," he murmured while gently stroking her back.

"You'll be late," she murmured with her eyes closed.

"That's not my concern right now," he replied, his hand still comforting her.

Suddenly, her head rested against his shoulder, causing his soothing hand to pause.

"I want to truly live, but I can't seem to break free from this cycle of suffering. Everything always comes back," she confessed.

In a somber tone, she continued, "I fear this pain will be with me forever."

He gently patted her back and said, "Nothing lasts forever, Shaoshang. You're a woman of great courage, and I'm confident you'll overcome it..."

"How can I be courageous when, every time, I simply fall apart? I can barely breathe, and this pain..." She said as she pulled back.

Without a word, he pulled her back into his embrace, urging her to remain still and focus on her breath.

"You are courageous," he affirmed. "Even amidst your own suffering, you think about helping others. That's true courage. Don't underestimate yourself. If you believe the pain will always linger, then let it be."

"Young Master, the sun is about to rise. We'll be late," Zuke urged, his face marked with concern, as he witnessed his worst fears becoming reality.

"Do I appear to be concerned about anything other than her?" he replied, extricating himself from the embrace.

"Shaoshang, look at me," he implored.

She met his gaze, her eyes filled with uncertainty.

"Shaoshang, there's nothing to fear. With time, you'll learn to conquer this pain. For now, what you're doing is more than enough. You're intelligent, brave, and compassionate. Don't diminish yourself because of these moments. Understand?" he reassured her.

She wrinkled her nose, her lips stretched horizontally with the lower lip pushed outside. With her lips corners moving down , she nodded,earning a smile from him.

He tapped his head and said, "Good. Now, get up."

Helping her to her feet, he cautiously withdrew his support and assisted her back into the carriage.

Yan Zhi stood as if all her dreams had been shattered. Qiao Hui signaled them to return back to their carriage.

Qiao Hui not abandoning Shaoshang became a turning point for her. She was now free from the prison as she grasped at the glimmer of hope he represented.

There were two carriages, each for one. To avoid suspicion, they dressed themselves as carriage drivers. He didn't change the carriage but changed position with the driver. There must be a carriage ready, and he would have swiftly changed his position with the driver. But A'qi could find the route this carriage followed unless he didn't get information about my disappearance. We will be long gone before he learns about my disappearance... She looked at him as he took the seat of the carriage driver.

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