Chapter -19

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NOTE -[I wrote 'jeijyah' in place of 'jeijei ' to make it easier to read ]

It was a new morning, marking the commencement of a new life for Shaoshang. Determined to live for herself and unburdened by the weight of her past, she greeted the first rays of sunlight with newfound purpose. This day ushered in a fresh chapter, one brimming with possibilities of self-discovery, healing, and growth.

Yet, his thoughts still lingered, threatening to tether her to the shadows of her past. Once, she would have surrendered to the torment of memories, allowing them to suffocate her spirit. But not today. Today, a newfound courage burned within her.

She pushed back the thoughts that sought to shackle her, rallying her strength to rise from her bed. The seemingly simple act held great significance-a declaration of her determination to sever the chains of her history.

As she stood on unsteady legs, she noticed her hands trembling, a sign of her deteriorating health. When her hands had started trembling remained unclear to her. However, she couldn't ignore it any longer. I will do better.

Instructed to rest by her Majesty, Shaoshang had other plans. Dressing herself, she headed straight to the Empress's quarters.

Inside, her Majesty was engrossed in her reading. Shaoshang entered, drawing her Majesty's concerned gaze.

"Shaoshang," the Empress's tone carried disappointment.

But a genuine smile adorned Shaoshang's face as she approached her Majesty and took a seat in front of the table, still wearing her smile.

"Why aren't you resting?" the Empress's voice held concern.

With a bright smile, Shaoshang replied as she leaned slightly forward, "Yesterday, your Majesty, I spent the entire day resting."

"Then rest more"

"I am perfectly fine, your Majesty," she interjected.

Before the Empress could continue, Shaoshang's enthusiasm took over. "Her Majesty, Empress Yue's birthday is approaching, and I still need to finish the table."

"Niao Niao, I told you to avoid work."

"Her Majesty, I'm not really working! Building is like a fun game for me. So, we can say I'm playing instead."

Amusement danced in the Empress's eyes. She playfully tapped Shaoshang's nose and retorted, "Really, Niao Niao."

With an earnest nod, Shaoshang played along. But then she pouted, looking at the Empress with wide eyes, "Her Majesty, you won't let me play?"

The Empress's laughter filled the air. "Eat something first."

Shaoshang's grin seemed to stretch from ear to ear.

After breakfast, she headed to the courtyard where she had left her work before her trip to Zhanli Village. Shaoshang realized she had ignored her health and surroundings during that time. She may have lost a part of herself, but she was not ready to relinquish her interests.

However, the challenge remained-how to build without the full use of her hands. Her hands still lacked strength. Lost in thought, a voice broke her reverie.

"Shaoshang jiejyah, you've returned," Su Su's voice rang out as she approached with another maid.

Turning, Shaoshang offered a smile.

"What are you doing, jiejyah?" Su Su inquired.

"Building a table," Shaoshang replied.

"Lady Cheng, can you really do that?" the other maid asked, astonishment in her voice.

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