Chapter -10

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"Wait, how did you find me, Zuke?" the young man shouted from the carriage.

The carriage entered the gate of Ruyang, accompanied by a man riding on a horse.

Finding no answer to his question, the man peeked out of the small window of the carriage.
"Zuke, how did you find me?" he asked with puzzled eyes.

The man on the horse remained expressionless, his focus on the surroundings, observing every movement happening in the streets.
"No one is going to kill me, Zuke!" Qiao Hui exclaimed in frustration.

"Young Master, you should ask your grandfather about this," the man dressed in black from head to toe replied.

Settling back in his seat, Qiao Hui whispered to himself, "He would break my legs this time."

Qiao Hui was supposed to arrive in Ruyang one year ago. He had traveled everywhere except to Ruyang. He yearned to be part of the military, but his grandfather feared for his life. Despite being an excellent soldier, his status as the sole heir made his life a matter of concern. He was reluctant to return to the capital, fearing it would restrict his freedom. However, his trusted subordinate Zuke finally found him, leaving him with no choice but to head to Ruyang.

For the first nine years of his life, he had lived in a military camp. Then, he spent five years studying at Bailu Mountain. At the age of fifteen, he joined the army. Now, at twenty-one years old, he was on the verge of becoming a minister.

Stepping out of the carriage, he was greeted by dozens of servants eagerly waiting for a glimpse of their young master.

"Young Master!" a woman in her forties came running towards him. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant blue pastel gown, devoid of any embroidery.

"Madam Li, I misse..." Qiao Hui's sentence was interrupted as she started hitting him.

"For the past year... I couldn't even sleep properly. I was scared for your life. Your parents entrusted your life to me. And YOU! One day I will die from worrying about you," she scolded him while simultaneously hitting him.

Qiao Hui caught her hand and controlled his laughter. "At your age, old age can also be a reason for your death."

Madam Li glared at him, and Qiao Hui, still smiling, grabbed her by the shoulders and walked towards the gate.
"I am completely fine. Look, I have even grown an inch," he said as he walked past the bowing servants, all dressed in light purple attire.

"I am not going to let you out of my sight," Madam Li declared. Qiao Hui grabbed her by the shoulder and walked towards the main hall.

The main hall was a spacious room with high ceilings. The tables were crafted from high-quality wood, boasting a polished finish. Opposite the entrance of the hall, there hung an astonishing hand-painted scenery on a cloth.

Qiao Hui sat at the table in front of the painted scenery, his back facing the artwork. The seat itself was made of the same carved wood, adorned with an expensive cushion.

Taking his place at the center of the table formation, Qiao Hui noticed the empty seats on both his left and right. Twelve servants knelt in front of him, while Zuke stood watchfully at the entrance, attentive to every movement.

Madam Li arrived with a large tray, displaying five different snacks. Another maid followed her, carrying a tea set with a rare green-colored teapot.

The maid served the tea and then attended to the other servants. Madam Li took her place beside Qiao Hui.

Qiao Hui sat in silence, absorbing the heavy atmosphere of the room. Madam Li, one of the household servants, broke the silence by addressing him. "Young Master, isn't the food to your liking, or are you tired from your journey?" she asked. There was no immediate response from Qiao Hui, prompting Madam Li to continue. "I have cleaned all the rooms."

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