Chapter -9

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After the rain's violent dance, a cool and clean air lingered, enveloping the surroundings. The once-grey sky transformed into a clear expanse adorned with fluffy white clouds.The air felt refreshed, as if nature itself took a deep breath. Sunlight, hidden behind the rain's veil, began to peek through the dispersing clouds, casting a gentle glow.

Shaoshang lay on the bed, its intricate embroidery adding an air of elegance to the lavish canopy. The plush and inviting mattress beckoned with luxurious comfort.

As Shaoshang woke up, the gentle warmth of sunlight kissed her skin, drawing her attention to the beauty of her surroundings. With her blurry vision, she questioned her surroundings.

After a few moments, she finally gained full consciousness.

As clarity slowly emerged, Shaoshang's eyes widened in awe, taking in the stunning room. The strategic placement of the windows caught her attention, allowing for a breathtaking view of both dawn and dusk.

Her gaze then shifted to the meticulously arranged furniture, each piece complementing the room's aesthetics with elegance and grace. Who could have designed such a room?

Through a large window, she glimpsed a serene pond, its shimmering waters reflecting the world outside. The drapes, made of silk in soft pastel colors, exuded an air of elegance. And on one wall, a breathtaking hand-painted scenery adorned the space.

Outside, the delightful chirping of birds drew her attention. She turned her gaze towards the large door that stood opposite the bed, revealing a picturesque garden. A magnificent tree stood alongside a solitary rock, where a man in a white silk gown adorned with golden embroidery sat. With a delicate brush, he playfully interacted with dancing butterflies.

The man felt eyes on him and turned toward her direction. Their eyes met.His expression changed in an instant. His eyes turned fierce, as if he could kill the person looking at him. Qiao Hui dusted off his clothes and walked towards her.

Shaoshang watched his movement, trying to get up. Her weak body failed her, and she found herself half-fallen from the bed. For the first time, she realized her own weakness.

Unbothered by her situation, Qiao Hui took his sweet time walking towards her. He sat on the bed closer to her legs.Confused by his actions, Shaoshang struggled to sit on the bed.

Sitting opposite her, crossing his arms, he spoke up without allowing her to say anything.

"If you are so eager to die, find a place away from me."

Taken aback by his rude tone, Shaoshang tried to speak. "I was not trying to die."

"Miss Cheng, since you are fine and can talk, you can find your way out," he said, getting up to leave the room.

"Why are you so rude to me?" she inquired, but he completely ignored her.

With great effort, she placed both feet on the ground. "Stop," she whispered, and with the support of the bed, she managed to get up.

With a single step, she fell to the ground.Qiao Hui turned back and rushed to her, picking her up and helping her settle.After straightening his back, he spoke in a taunting tone, "Have you seen yourself?! And you pity me."

Calming herself from the fall, she looked at him with confusing eyes. "When did I pity you?"

He rolled his eyes. "An orphan child... a tragedy-hit child..."

"I know about you. But I am asking you... when did I pity you?" she said weakly.

He sat back on the bed. "I saw your eyes."

"That's it?"

"Yes! That's it! I know the look of pity."

"YOU ARE REALLY THAT STUPID! You just assume things on your own!" she almost shouted but found herself coughing.

She calmed herself and said in a sophisticated tone, "Minister Qiao, I know about your history. I never pitied you. But I won't lie that I did feel sad for you. Moreover, I find you a strong person. I don't see you as a tragedy-hit person. I haven't seen someone so happy and capable of finding peace in their own company."

He sat in silence, his eyes still fixed on her. Thoughts raced through his mind. Did I misunderstand her? But it was pity and sadness in her eyes. My insecurity about being pitied clouded my judgment. I nearly let her die because of that look! Just that look! He closed his eyes, overwhelmed by remorse, and stood up. With eyes filled with regret, he stared at the floor.

The regret and guilt of judging her too soon engulfed him. Now there was no going back. No matter what he did now, nothing he had said could be taken back. There was only one thing left... to simply apologize and ask for forgiveness.

He found the courage to speak, his voice filled with remorse and vulnerability. He looked into her eyes, filled with anger and hurt, and began to explain himself.

"No matter what I say now, it won't change anything," he admitted, his voice wavering. "But I have done you wrong. I blamed you for something so horrible, something that I now realize was only in my own assumptions. I am sorry."

He paused, taking a deep breath, gathering his thoughts as he continued. "Since my childhood, everyone around me saw me as a helpless person. I was treated with excessive care and protection. Even the smallest of falls would summon dozens of servants, as if I had experienced a great tragedy. Every adult in my life pitied me. "

He looked at her, his gaze filled with remorse. "I misunderstood the look in your eyes, as I thought Her Majesty had told you everything about me. I assumed you were pitying me, just like everyone else. It triggered something within me, and I acted out of anger and hurt."

He took another deep breath, gathering his courage to acknowledge his mistakes. "But all these are mere excuses. I shouldn't have let my assumptions cloud my judgment. I am truly sorry for what I have done. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I would be deeply thankful. If you want me to earn your forgiveness, I will put my ego aside and do everything in my power to make amends. And if you choose not to forgive me, I will respect your decision."

He bowed to her and silently turned back to leave.

" You are a high Ranking Minister. Obviously you would have your way around words." Shaoshang said in a taunting voice.

Qiao Hui stops at his position. As he turns back, he instantly falls on his knees, leaving Shaoshang stunned.

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