Battle 19: The Poké-Ninja Way

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Tokichi: The colors indicate the kind of classes you'll attend.

Aya: Students in red uniforms study battle techniques, yellows go to the technical class where they try to make attacks more effective, and blue students report to the beauty center to learn the secrets of health and nutrition.

Duplica: Health and Nutrition?

Tokichi: We only give this special course once a year.

Duplica: Wow! Once a year?

Aya: Pokemon trainers come from all over the world to learn the secret Pokemon beauty treatments.

Tokichi: The treatments help trainers look much healthier by introducing proteins to the skin. Not only that, they make you look like a movie star.

Duplica: Wow! Really? In that case, sign me up!

Soon, everyone is off to their classes. Duplica is soon seen staring a Caterpie right in the face.

Duplica: Uhh. She was slightly confused.

Sensei: You are among the fortunate few who experience the wonderous effects of the Caterpie beauty bath. Caterpie, begin! The Caterpies soon shoot their webs around the heads of the students. This Caterpie web mask will leave your skin smooth and silky, if you can ever get it off.

Duplica: I'm starting to see why this class is held once a year, Ditto.💧 She sheepishly chuckled.

Ditto: Ditto. (Yup)

Meanwhile at Kota's class...

Sensei: The purpose of today's training drill is to improve the speed and tactical control of your Pokemon attacks. Now who wants to try the drill first?

Kota: I'll go first. Let's go, Machop! The two charge forward. Machop, Mega Kick the ones to the right. Machop kicks through the balloons. Karate Chop on the left! Machop hits the balloons in one move again.

Student 1: Wow! They're good!

Sensei: Amazing work. The two of you were in sync from the start. You've trained your Machop very well.

Kota: Thank you, sir. I couldn't ask for a better partner.

Machop: Chop. (Right)

Meanwhile at Niko's class.....

Sensei: Now we'll have a battle between Mickey's Hypno and Ralph's Flareon!

Hypno charges in, but Flareon dodges easily and charges in.

Mickey: Hypno, use Hypnosis! Its attack causes Flareon to stop.

Ralph: Smog attack, Flareon! The Smog blinds Hypno. Now, use your Quick Attack, Flareon.

Mikey: It's attacking from your left, Hypno! Hypno looks to his left, but Flareon disappears like a ninja before appearing on the right and attacking with a Flamethrower, knocking Hypno out.

Mickey: Hypno!

Tokichi: Match over! Flareon wins!

Niko: That was amazing!

Tokichi: Ready, Niko? Aya?

Niko & Aya: Ready! Both trainers take their places, with Niko choosing Elekid and Aya's Venonat.

Aya: I should warn you, Niko. I'm tougher than I was last time.

Venonat: Venonat! (Me too)

Niko: We'll see. You ready for this, Elekid?

Elekid: Bee! (Always)

Tokichi: Begin!

Aya: Venonat, let's go! Venonat charges.

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