Running out of time

Start from the beginning

He hands me my plate as I continue rambling about how stunning this little picnic date is. I peel off the foil and almost cry at what I see.

I had told him that my favourite meal growing up was Risotto, a dish my dad used to make me before everything went to shit between us. 

I told him that I haven't had it since I was little and here it is, in front of me. 

"Emilio this is so sweet, thank you" I tell him honestly. 

"Don't thank me yet you haven't tried it," He laughs. "I'm not a chef but I tried my best," He chuckles, unwrapping his plate.

We spend hours talking, there never once being a silent moment in our conversation. When I'm around him everything flows so easily. Everything else fades into the background and it's just me and him.

"Here," He offers, handing me a flute of champagne. "Here's to our last day in prison," I joke, knowing his dad is letting us go outside tomorrow.

We laugh and continue talking until the sky transforms from orange to pitch black.

I try to fight off the unbearable feeling of exhaustion that starts to hit me as I attempt to listen to what Emilio's talking about but I can't, his words not registering in my clouded mind.

"Emilio!" A loud yell pulls me out of my haze. 

We both turn, spotting Lucian and his dad on the porch, looking out at us.

"Fucks sake," He groans. "I'm sorry," He apologies, our date being cut short. 

"It's okay," I reply honestly, actually feeling kind of relieved. "I'm tired anyway," I tell him, standing up.

He nods understandingly, getting up himself. His slight annoyance that his dad is interrupting us is replaced with concern as he looks down at me.

"Are you sure you're okay? you're burning up," He frowns, his hand against my forehead.

"I'm fine," I reply dismissively. "Go talk to your dad I'll clean this up," I say, motioning towards the picnic.

"No go to bed, I'll do it later," He orders, his hand on my lower back as he pushes me back towards the house.

I feel off, more than usual as we walk up the garden.

"Serena," Emilio's dad nods at me friendlily as we approach the porch. "Hi Mr. Cruz," I greet, smiling at him.

"Call me Santiago," He smiles back, easing the tension I previously felt around him. "We need to talk son," He says, turning his head towards Emilio.

I leave them to talk on the patio, hobbling towards Emilio's room where I've been sleeping the past few days.

I'm lightheaded, disoriented as I head to the bathroom and shift through the cabinet for any painkillers to ease the aching in my stomach.

Through blurred vision I grab a bottle of aspirin, using my sweaty palms to open it as I stumble to the bedroom in search of the glass of water I often leave on my nightstand.

Suddenly a piercing pain shoots through my body, causing me to shriek before I slam my hand over my mouth, trying to muffle the painful cry.

I drop the aspirin, the little pills scattering across the floor as my body sways. 

I try to get to the bed, knowing I need to sit down urgently but I don't make it far, toppling to the ground.

I try to get to the bed, knowing I need to sit down urgently but I don't make it far, toppling to the ground

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"Really? That's it?" I ask, baffled. 

"You had us worried," Lucian huffs, knowing dad only really comes to our house if there's a problem.

"What I can't come and see my boys?" He defends himself. He'd only come over to drop off two sweaters our mum knitted us, effectively ruining our date for nothing.

"Let me stay for a drink, I need a break from your mother's 'book reading group'" He sighs, doing air quotes as he collapses onto our sofa.

"Why the air quotes?" Lucian snorts, sitting opposite him and lighting up a blunt.

"Well because they meet up every week to read but end up just drinking wine and loudly gossiping," He laughs, reaching over to roll his own.

"So what's the deal with you and this girl?" He questions, looking up at me while pressing the blunt to his lips.

"He lovesss her," Lucian mocks childishly. I smack the back of his head, only causing him to laugh.

"I like her, things are going well," I state bluntly, not revealing much.

"Like?" Lucian snorts. "I can hear how much you 'like' each other through the bedroom wall each night," He laughs hysterically, causing my dad to start laughing with him.

I roll my eyes and flip them off before heading towards my room. I open the door quietly, expecting to see Serena fast asleep in our bed with the lights off.

The sight before me causes my blood to run cold and panic to course through my veins.

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