Chapter 2: The Appearance of Someone New (Edited a little)

Beginne am Anfang

Johnathan: Mom, it's not a big deal. Look he was at the Wheelers' all day. I'm sure he just stayed over.

Joyce: I can't believe you. I can't believe you sometimes.

Joyce picks up the phone and calls the Wheelers.

*At the same time*

We cut to the Ives house where we see a Jane Ives having a dream.

*Inside Janes dream*

???: Eleven you have to leave. Get out of this facility and don't stop moving until you know it's safe.

We see a young Eleven in a patient gown with some blood stains on it.

Eleven: But what about you? Are we ever going to meet again?

???: I need to go in and check to see if that monster is alive and finish the job. I promise you I will find you again, you just need to leave as fast as you can.

Eleven: what's a promise?

???: Something that you should never break ever at all and should always keep okay.

Eleven nods.

???: Good now run, RUN!

Eleven then starts running towards the exit.


Their voice fades as while Eleven runs her vision becomes white as she opens the exit door.

*In the real world*

Eleven: *Wakes up* It's that dream again.

Eleven has been having the same dream for awhile now and doesn't know what it means. "Is it a memory? Who was that person? Why was I covered in blood?" All these questions and no answers for them.

Terry: *from downstairs* Jane come down and eat your breakfast! You got to school soon so hurry up.

Jane: Alright mom I'm coming!

As Jane gets up put on clothes, brushes her teeth. She goes downstairs where she sees her mom Terry Ives and aunt Becky Ives from the stairs. When going down she trips and falls on the last steps.

Jane: *Thinking* And now the end is near.

While she prepares for pain she opens her eyes to see herself floating just above the ground. She looks towards her mother and sees she has her hand extended out and some small blood coming out of her nose.

Terry: I got you alright.

Jane: Yeah thank you mom.

Terry: anytime.

When Jane fixes her position to avoid hitting the ground her mom stops using her powers as she lets Jane down.

Becky: you good kid? Cause if you are come eat your mom made your favorite.

These two women are Terry and Becky Ives and they are sisters. Terry was experimented on while she was pregnant with Jane and went into a dream like state. She was like that ever since and her sister has been taking care of her. That was until Becky found Eleven and brought her home and took care of her. When they found out who they were they were so happy and Eleven not wanting to see her mom in that state tried to help so she entered the void and helped her regain herself. Then afterwards they decided to move to Hawkins to stay safe for they know that she is probably being hunted.

Jane: *with bright eyes* EGGOS!

Becky: yep now hurry before it's all gone.

Jane hurriedly gets to the table and starts eating the shit out of the eggos while her mom and aunt look at her questionably.

000 (Stranger things Eleven x Male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt