20* ★~Calls and fake(?)smiles~★

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Jisung looked back at Minho, taking a sigh of relief, and frantically nodded. "Yeah, English." I'm so glad he didn't understand what I was saying. I would've been done for.
Minho looked impressed. "Wow, that's so cool. I wish I knew how to speak English... Well I just came to check on you because you were screaming. I'll go now"  Jisung went into his room, leaving the door wide open, and sat down on the edge of his bed, putting a small blanket over his lap. Minho was in the kitchen, preparing a snack. Jisung looked up that song he recommended they dance to. Wanna Love You by Paul Kim... Jisung added the song to his "Favorites❤️" playlist. Jisung put on headphones and played the song. He only got through four seconds of it, though, before

Incoming call: Bokkie

Why is he calling me? Curious, Jisung turned off his Spotify and answered the call.
"Hello?" Jisung said in English.
"AH-! Oh, sorry, did I call? Whoops, that was an accident, sorry. Why did you say HeLlO in English? Now we're both speaking English." Felix replied in one breath. "You could've just said hello back." Jisung commented and Felix laughed, "I know."
"So," Jisung started, "since you didn't mean to call me, but here we are, can you help me with my English?" Felix replied, "Of course! Want to just talk about something random?" Jisung nodded, though the other couldn't see it. "Yeah, what?"
Jisung could feel Felix's malicious grin through the screen as he responded with, "Your roommate. What was his name again? I sit next to him in my History class.. Minhooo?" Felix stretched out his name, unsure if that was it. "Yeah, that's his name.. Why are we talking about him?"
Felix teased, "Because you have a crush on him-" "YAH FELIX SHUT UP!!" Jisung yelled, accidentally catching the attention of his roommate. Jisung didn't know the older was now listening in on his conversation.
"What, is that not a good reason?" "WHATEVER. Whatever. What about him?"
A silence rang from the other end before Felix asked, "When did you start liking him?" Jisung sighed before honestly answering, "Today? Maybe? I don't even know if I like him or not. Emotions are weird, man."
Felix laughed, "Yeah, emotions can be ludicrous at times."
Jisung blinked for a few seconds, confused, before he asked, "Ludicrous? What does that mean?" Felix replied, "I don't remember. It just sounded cool. Let me search it up. Lu•di•crous... Oh, it just means foolish or unreasonable."
Jisung hummed in understanding. "Wow, I learned one new word today. That's going to be used in every sentence I say, now."
Felix whined. "Great. I should've just said stupid instead of LuDiCrOuS." He sobbed.
Jisung laughed at the younger. "Rather ludicrous move on your behalf, huh?" Felix screamed, "SHUT UP!!!"
"FELIX YOU'RE SO FUCKING LOUD! WHY'S MY VOLUME SO HIGH?!" Jisung cried as he turned down the volume on his phone by 20 percent.
Felix gasped. "Who taught you that word, huh? Fucking?" Felix said, "You, you idiot! You use it all the time! I'm going now, my ears need to rest." Jisung said, whining.
Felix scoffed. "Wow, okay, I understand." Before hanging up, Jisung said, "Be grateful I'm leaving so you can flirt alone with Changbin." "HEY-" Jisung ended the call and took off his headphones. He groaned and mumbled to himself, "My ears are ringinggg."
After a few seconds of Jisung fake crying to himself, Minho showed up at his door frame. "Are you alright? Why were you screaming?"
Jisung sobbed, "My friend was being annoying and I also had his call volume too loud so he bursted my ear drums~."
Minho snickered. "What was he saying? I heard you bring up my name?" Jisung's eyes widened as he cautiously asked, "Wait, did you hear everything I said?" Minho nodded. "Yeah."
Jisung looked away nervously and started to speak very softly. "Well I-"
"It's alright, though. I don't understand whatever language you were speaking. English, was it?" Minho cut him off.
"and make sure to close your door more often." Minho said as he started closing Jisung's door. He spoke up, though, causing the older to stop.
"Wait, can we talk or something? I'm bored and don't know what to do." Minho raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his face, as he pushed Jisung's door open again. "I'm just a source of entertainment now?" He teased Jisung, who quickly denied. "No no no! I just want to have a conversation with you. Unless you don't want to.." Jisung looked away.
Minho's facial expression went softer as he laughed at the younger. "I know that wasn't what you meant! And I don't mind, I was getting something to eat, though, could I bring that in here?" Jisung nodded, "Of course."
Minho said, "Okay!" and went back to the kitchen. Jisung felt like folding right then and there. Shit, do feelings grow when they're said out loud? He patiently sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for Minho to return. He came back with a bowl of berries and sat down next to Jisung. Jisung's heart skipped a beat. What the hell, heart? He's sat down next to me before! Why's this so special, huh? I hate emotions...
"So, what do you want to talk about?" Minho smiled warmly at the other. His smile was so perfect, it reminded Jisung of whenever he saw Minho smiling at his phone, messaging him. The same person he called annoying... Annoying Is his smile fake right now? Is he just trying to be nice to me because we're stuck together for most of the day, every day?
"Helloooo? Jisung-ah?" Minho waved his hand in front of Jisung's face, catching his attention. "Oh, sorry hyung, I zoned out." Minho sighed, his face now showing concern.
"Jisung, this is the third time you've zoned out around me, are you okay?" Minho asked the younger. Jisung sighed and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." Minho squinted, probably not believing the other, but he didn't want to pick at it. "Alright, if you say so.. Hey, I just remembered I had a History assignment I needed to work on, we can talk in a bit, okay?" Minho smiled as he stood up and pulled out his phone. Jisung looked away. "Okay."
Jisung was looking at his lap, waiting for the older to leave, but instead, a phone was put in front of his face. It was on the 'New Contact' screen. Jisung looked up at Minho in confusion. "You want me to give you my number?" He asked. Minho nodded, "Yeah, I feel bad that you wanted to talk to me but I'm going to be busy."
Jisung looked back at the phone that was in front of him and hesitated for a few seconds before taking it and putting in his phone number. He handed Minho's phone back to him. "Thanks, I'll go now." Minho grinned before walking out of Jisung's room. Before fully disappearing, Minho turned around and asked, "Door open or closed?"
"Closed.." Jisung mumbled. Minho made a thumbs-up as he closed Jisung's door and left. Jisung let out a loud sigh as he laid on his bed, his thoughts returning to him. Does he think I'm annoying? He's told me that I am. Am I really annoying?
Jisung rolled over and turned on his phone, upset he had no visible notifications. Wait, I forgot to take my phone off do not disturb mode. I'm stupid. Jisung turned his notifications back on and was immediately met by a message from an unknown number, who he presumed was Minho's.

We can talk once I'm done with this assignment if you still want to :)

Save contact as "minhooo:)"?
Contact saved!

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