1* ★~Moving into the dorm. Minho's Part!~★

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Minho's Pov
*beep* *beep* *BEEP* "OKAY DAMN SHUT UP"
He said yelling into his pillow, today was the day he moved from his parents to college dorms.
trying to reach for his phone to stop the alarm he fell off the bed creating a huge thud. Groaning, he kept lying on the floor, not wanting to get up. The door creaks open showing Dori,  pranced towards Minho, nudging against his face...and bit his nose.
Minho sat up quickly covering his nose. "Dori what the fuck!"
Groaning, he stood up and walked to his bathroom to do his daily routine, brushing his teeth, doing his hair etc., walking out he chose what to wear,
He decided on a black loose dress shirt with some black jeans. Minho goes downstairs and is greeted by his mom and his boxes "do you really have to leave the house?" Minho sighed looking st his mother  "Yes mom, i'm not driving 20 miles everyday to school"  she suddenly hugged him "you're growing so fast, at least let me help you get your boxes into the car" she said pulling away placing her hands on his shoulders "and stop dressing like that people will think you're emo!"
Rolling his eyes he looked at his mom "Whatever just help me get this stuff into the car."  Minho said, picking up four boxes. Upon reaching the car he set the boxes down humming to himself
This is going to be alot of work Minho sighed glancing at the other boxes at the door.

    Phew alright there you go! all ready,  you make sure to feed yourself and shower every-" Minho quickly interrupts "YESYESyes mom I know i'm a grown adult" He says opening the car door and sitting down "I'll make sure to visit when I can okay?"
sniffling she says "okay, take care!" as he drives off he waves to her.

this should be the dorm  Minho thinks to himself turning the key to open the door. It slides open as a fresh whiff of a brand new place blows past him. Nice place... Minho sighed,  walking to the room on the right and lays down on the bed "ahh finally a bed againnnn" After unpacking Minho walks to the living room and sits down on a beanbag he brought with him then starts scrolling on his phone. Dori then jumped on his lap and fell asleep. Smiling Minho pet the feline on his lap whilst scrolling on his phone.

A/N~ Sorry this one is short, it was the first chapter and we were dry on ideas in the beginning....

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