2* ★~Moving to the dorm. Jisung's Part!~★

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Jisung was sleeping peacefully, cuddling his quokka, when there was a sudden scream from his door frame. "HAN JISUNG, WAKE THE HELL UP!" His mother shrieked. Jisung woke up, shooting straight up. He clenched onto his stuffed quokka, who he had named Han Quokka. Or Quokka for short.
His mom immediately started snapping at him. "What are you doing, huh?! Do you not remember what day it is, get up! And get rid of that stupid plushie, you look stupid!" She sighed, turning away, but before she left Jisung alone completely, she sternly said, "You better have packed your bags yesterday, be downstairs in no later than thirty minutes."
Shaking, Jisung tightened his grip on Quokka's paw. He bit his bottom lip as he shut his eyes tightly, trying to hold back any tears that threatened to fall. That was probably a stupid idea, because just a few seconds later, he was hit in the stomach by a dog. His dog, Bbama, pounced onto his stomach, causing him to fall back onto the bed.
Jisung bit his lip even harder as Bbama wagged their tail and laid on Jisung's stomach. "Bbama~ get off please," Jisung picked up Bbama and set them on the bed so he could sit up. Jisung looked over to his nightstand and picked up his glasses, putting them on. His hand then wandered to his phone, which was on the charger.
He picked it up and looked at the time the screen had displayed. 10:04... He sighed, not wanting to start the day, but he knew what would happen if he didn't get up. Jisung looked over at Bbama, whose tail was wagging, looking at him with its head cocked to the side. Jisung cooed at his dog as he pet it. "I have to leave today, Bbama~. Stay safe, I'll miss you." He set his phone back on the nightstand and lifted the covers off of himself.
Jisung's legs dangled over the edge of the bed as his eyes found their way to his gray suitcase. He went back to biting his bottom lip, which was now bleeding slightly. Jisung stood up, walking over to his suitcase. Jisung looked behind it and crouched down, picking up his empty backpack. He licked the blood off his bottom lip as he looked back over to his bed.
Bbama had already left Jisung's room. He went to his nightstand, opening the top drawer. He rested his backpack on his bed, looking through the drawer. Jisung took out his contact lenses as well as saline solution and eye drops. He put them in the front pouch of his bag, and then looked over at Han Quokka, who probably would have been treated so poorly if it were to stay in this house.
Jisung put Han Quokka in the main area of his bag, happy to take the stuffed animal with him. He zipped up his bag, feeling like he was forgetting something. Oh yeah, I have to get ready.
Jisung hastily changed into more presentable clothing. He chose to wear a white hoodie along with light gray sweatpants. He hurried to his nightstand once more, picking up his phone and checking the time. Oh shit, I have two minutes! Jisung panicked as he put his phone in his front pocket, got his backpack, grabbed his suitcase, and ran out his bedroom door.
It was a struggle getting the suitcase down the staircase, but he did it with approximately four seconds to spare before his mother yelled at him. "No way, you actually managed to do something on time for once," His mother snarled at him, causing him to look down slightly in shame. "C'mon, let's go."

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