The two of us go silent and then look at each other.


"Nope, I can't."

"You can't wash a kid's ass? You could wash your ass just fine, right?"

"I could wash mine, but for other people, it's a different matter. Why don't you be the one to wash his? Didn't he call you for that?"

"I never washed someone's ass, especially a male kid's ass! And the way they do it now is different from when we clean ours. You don't want a stick going in the kid's ass, do you?"

"Uh- A stick?!" She says, looking shocked and disgusted.

"It's a stick with a sponge, though."

"Did you always clean after pooping using that?"

"If you barely have any water, we'll use that to reduce the water usage."


"You're really asking too much from my era."

"Mordred-San...? Are you there yet?"

"Mordred, please help that kid. He's suffering right now. I'm sure his legs are getting wobbly from squatting for so long."

I sigh. "Fine... Kid! I'm coming inside!"

"Thank you, Mo-Chan!"

"When did I become that close to you?" I put my hand on his head. "Kid, learn to clean yourself. I don't want to clean your dirty ass while seeing your little pork sword ever again."

"Hehe... but I don't want to clean my own butt! Touching my butt-hole feels really dirty. I can't imagine eating after touching my poop! And what is a pork sword?"

"Touching other people's poop is more disgusting! I think I need to wash my hands with soap twice."

We walk to the dining room. There, Rider and his Master are sitting, seeming to be waiting.

"Ah, Saber, good morning." Rider calls out to me.

"Good morning to you too, Rider. You good?" I notice the white shirt he's wearing and ask, "What are you wearing?"

"This shirt is the clothes I took from the delivery! It's about an amazing game. I didn't buy one for you, so next time, I will order another one for you."

"Hey! You're using MY money. Don't just use it as you please!" Waver complains.

"Rider-san, what are you waiting for?" The kid asks Rider, curious.

"Kid, Miss Anna is about to cook breakfast for us."

"Really?! I want to eat her cooking again. She makes her food really delicious!"

"Wait, Master can cook?" I walk to the kitchen and see Master preparing the ingredients. "Master, you can cook? Why didn't I see you make food?"

"Oh, hello Mordred. I ordered you to go outside in your astral form in the morning, right? That's why you didn't get any food made by me."

"Well, I must say I'm impressed."

"It's just some simple dish, nothing to be proud of. I have to cook for myself while my parents are away." Master walks to the fridge.

"All that matters is if it tastes good."

Master just shrugs her shoulders. "Now, let's see, we have eggs, sausage, and some vegetables. I think I can make an omelette."

She begins cooking the ingredients, the sizzling sound filling the air. She looks focused, her hands moving expertly as she prepares the dish. She is humming a tune as she works, seemingly enjoying herself.

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