Part 2 Chapter 18

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The next day,

The whole party except for the one on watch slept until quite late in the day, due to the strain of crossing the mountains. But Garrick left it alone to maintain the stamina of the entire group. The entire group just rested on this day. They were not so worried anymore because, after this, they were crossing areas that were not remote. Only a few areas, for example, went into the forest, so the journey should be safer.

Garrick also woke up late but was soon busy preparing for the trip, including giving news to his parents. It was Fiona who went to the lord's castle to ask to deliver the news via carrier pigeon. Fiona also got the news from Listern for Garrick that was sent the previous day.

"Young master, I have asked the city lord to send news to Listern." Fiona said this to Garrick when they arrived at the inn.

"Alright, any news from Listern?" asked Garrick.

"There is, sir. Duke Harold said that he has arrested nearly 100 suspicious people. Most are bandits or mercenaries who don't know who sent them. But there were seven people who committed suicide when they were arrested. They were most likely the masterminds. But there is no news from Region 2." Fiona said.

"Hmm, not bad. But it causes the enemy to know we've been expecting this. I don't know why they didn't attack in the mountains. Did they attack the rest of the way?" Garrick said.

"Less likely, we're passing through a fairly crowded area, so if anything happens to us, reinforcements will be able to help us quickly." Fiona said.

"That's right, but I don't want to be rash about this. Make sure that the guards stay on guard." Garrick said.

"Yes, young master," Fiona said.

"Also, make sure that they get enough rest today. Don't let our guards walk around the city too much. We must still have enough stamina in case of danger." Garrick said.

"Yes, young master. I will warn Carl and the other guard leaders about that." Fiona said.

"To be honest, I'm curious about the news from Region 2. Maybe we should just ask Region 2 for news directly. Give a letter to Region 2 and tell them the cities we passed through." Garrick said.

"Yes, young master. I will immediately return to the city leader's castle to request the release of carrier pigeons to Region 2." Fiona said

"Alright, Fiona, do it immediately. The carrier pigeon needs time to leave and return from Region 2." Garrick said

Fiona then left to carry out Garrick's orders, while Garrick himself continued his work.




About 100 kilometers from the city...

In a hut in a remote village, several people gathered. From their clothes, it appeared that they were ordinary people, more like merchants. But each man carried a sword. They were not natives of the village but had rented the hut from the villagers.

"How is Count Garrick's party doing?" the first person asked.

"They are still resting in the town, just below the mountain range." The second person said.

"Good, we have more time to gather our people. What is the status of our men?" asked the first person.

"We have already gathered more than 1000 mercenaries. If time allows, we will recruit local bandits in addition. With our elite force of 200 people, we can probably mobilize more than 2,000 people." The third person said

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