My Immortal Love...Or Hate... (Fourteen)

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 felt my hair being stroked softly... It's kind of relaxing... Comforting...

My eyes fluttered open, the first person i saw was Rayne, stroking my hair. He didn't seem to notice that I'm awake. Lost in his world... I blew in his face, he blinked and smiled when he saw me. He gave me space to sit up, took my hand and helped me. I looked around, the guys were in front of me, Kat and Blake were next to them. Blake was awake and holding Kat, and whispering in her ear. He's sweet... Kat's lucky.

Rayne hugged me, but there was something about the hug... When we let go i looked into his eyes, and saw anguish, and sorrow. "Are you alright?" I asked

He smiled, but I could tell it was forced. "I'm fine."

I went to my tippy toes, and whispered in his ear "Don't lie." then I walked away so i could see Jake and the others.

"Vi!" they yelled, then they all hugged me, and now I can't breathe...

 "Guys... I need air..." they muttered 'sorry' and let me go. The second they did, i felt lips crash on mine. I opened my eyes, and saw Jake. I pulled away, and smiled "Why hello to you too Jake."

He smirked, "I like that way of saying hello to you"

"Vi lets go!"

I turned around, Blake was calling me over, with his arm around Kat. I nodded, kissed Jake, and Hugged the other guys before leaving.

Ooo a red sports car! I smiled as i got into the front seat. Rayne was in the drivers seat, Kat and Blake in the back, and me up in front with Rayne. "Vi?" Rayne said


"Can you come up to my room when we get to the house? I need to talk to you."

I nodded "Yeah sure." I'm really tired after everything that's happened. I turned in my seat, closed my eyes, and gave up to the darkness.

Rayne POV

It was oddly silent in the car, i looked in the upper mirror, Kat and Blake were sound asleep, Kat against Blake and Blake with his arm around her.

I looked at Violet next to me. She too, was fast asleep. I intend to try and convince her to be with me and not Jake. I love her that much, I have a very bad feeling about Jake. I don't trust him. Period.

I took one hand off the wheel, and started softly stroking her hair. She looked tense so I heated my hand up a little, to relax her. I placed my nicely heated hand on her arm and Well, it worked. She instantly relaxed, her body going down, and she sighed softly. I smiled, she's beautiful. The only thing is, that she isn't mine yet. But she will be.

Almost home... I made a right into a shortcut to the house. When I got to the driveway, i shook Violet to wake her up. "Huh? What do you want...?" she mumbled

"Vi it's time to wake up, we're home"

Vi opened her eyes, smiled at me, and got out of the car. I looked in the back seat, Kat and Blake were still asleep. And now, time for a laugh!

I stepped out of the car, but didn’t shut the door. Instead i bent down and pressed down on the car horn.


"GAH!" Kat and Blake screamed. They jumped out if their seats, and fell onto the doors of the car, making them open, and making Kat and Blake fall to the ground.

"Damnit Rayne!!" Blake shouted at me. He got up, and helped Kat.

"What the hell Rayne?!" Kat yelled at me. I burst out laughing, "I HAD to do that!"

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