My Immortal Love...Or Hate... (Eight)

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Well, after my little encounter with Black Veil Brides, I've been laughing, and smiling all day. And texting different band members the rest of the date.

So far Rayne and I went to Pac sun, Clares, BooksAMillion, Spencers, and some random carts. The ones where random dudes wanna sell you some stuff.

Rayne insisted multiple times to go into Victoria's Secret. What I did was yell “NO!” Then punch him on the arm. Very Hard.

If you ask me, It's pretty obvious he's really thick.

My cell phone was ringing non stop with text messages from the band. It made me really happy. I mean they must mean it when they say that they like me, since they're actually texting me, and making an effort to keep the convo going.

I got bored easily since most of my favorite stores have already been raided. By me. “Hey Violet.” Rayne said.

“Don't bother with the damn Victoria's Secret thing again.” I said flatly

“I wasn't going to say anything about that.”

“Then you may keep talking.” I said jokingly

I saw Rayne smile from the corner of my eye. “Wanna check out Old Navy?”

“It's not my favorite store, but whatever. How much we got left?”

“About 30$”

I laughed. “I'm just awesome enough to spend about 1,000$”

We didn't say much, when we got to Old Navy I went directly to the jeans. And I don't know where Rayne went... Okay my mind has to stop wondering these things! It gets annoying...

Hm...Which Jeans should I get? Skinny, Flare...Other ones.... Such a difficult choice.

I finally picked like two pairs of Skinny jeans, and went into the dressing room. After looking for it for a good 5 minutes... Waste of time...

I hung the jeans on the door, and took off my Black Skinny jeans. And put my jeans on the seat that was already in the dressing room.

I took one of the jeans I grabbed, and put them on. They're dark blue, and hug my waist comfortably, and were tight, but not too tight against my legs.

Perfect! I'm so taking these. Screw the others. I want these. I took off the jeans, and started putting on my own.

When I heard moaning. Really? Does some sluty couple have to do this... now?! Nasty.

I quickly put on my jeans, and exited the dressing room, taking the perfect jeans and leaving the other pair behind.

But what I saw in front of me punched my so hard in the heart I'm shocked I'm not even dead yet.

It was Rayne. I think it was though. Why? Because he had his hands entangled in the chick he was kissing's hair, he was so close to her I swear not even air is coming in between those two.

And the slut...Well, she looked like any other slut. She's blonde, has way to much makeup, and it wearing a too tight top, and a short short skirt, with a very fake looking tan.

And almost instantly My eyes turned a brilliant shade of fire red. How do I know this? My vision turned red. And that's never happened before.

My hands got hot. I looked down at them, and saw that my hands were curled up into fists, and that they were on fire.

I took my right fist, and punched the slut in the head. She was driven head first into the window of the store, and...


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