My Immortal Love...Or Hate...(Four)

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I woke up in Kat's bed. I checked my cell clock.

It was about noon.

I looked next to me, and as I expected Kat was up already.

She always woke up early... Like, if she woke up at about 8 or 9 that was major sleeping in for her,

I yawned, and got out of bed.

When I turned around I noticed some ash on my side.

Ash? Okay, what the hell?

I wiped it off, and left the room.

Oh, crap...

I totally forgot.

I haven't the slightest clue where the kitchen is... crap....

Whatever. I would find my way.

Well, If I remember Blake went downstairs....

So I followed the huge black carpet, to a flight of stairs.

Well then, I took the stairs.

Wow, whatcha know? The kitchen is right here...

I saw Kat, Sammy, Blake, and Danny.

No Rayne? My day just got better.

I smiled, and walked to the table.

“Yola guys!” I said happily.

“Morning Violet.” Blake said

“Hey Violet!” Kat said

“Who are you and what have done with our Violet?” Asked Sammy.

“Hey...” Mumbled Danny

“Morning guys! Morning kat! And Sammy, Rayne isn't here yet, so I'm happy.”

Sammy gave me a weird look, and Kat smiled.

“So what's for breakfast?” I asked

“Pancakes” Blake said, getting up to get me some.

I gasped.

Sammy, and Kat got wide eyed.

“Oh god... Blake you shouldn't have said that...” Kat said

“I'm frightened...” Sammy said.

“PANCAKES!!!!” I screamed. And then I started jumping happily.

Danny looked at Sammy, and then looked at me. And smiled.

Kat simply started laughing, and nearly fell off her chair.

Sammy was blushing, while looking at Danny.

Wow... way to hide a crush Sammy....

I quickly sat in a chair next to Kat.

Blake set the plate of pancakes in front of me.

“YESSSS!!!!” I yelled.

“Uh, Violet?” Blake said

I grunted, to busy eating pancake heaven.

“I wouldn't sit there if I were you” Blake said

I looked up, and gave him a confused look.

“That's Rayne's seat...”

I finished chewing, and swallowed.

“Okay, One, These are the best pancakes EVER!”

Danny grinned. Obviously he cooked this amazing breakfast.

“And two, I don't care if Rayne sits here, if he gets mad boo freaking hoo.” I said smirking, before digging into my pancakes again.

My Immortal Love...Or Hate...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें