My Immortal Love...Or Hate...(Five)

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I waked into Blake's room, and sat down on the bed.

“Blake I need advice.”

“Two things sis. One, don't bother calling me Blake. I don't really like it when my sister calls me by my real name.”

I nodded, and smiled. “Okay big brother”

“And second, what do you need?”

I shrugged my shoulders. And sat on his bed. Which happened to be freakishly huge, with blue covers “Advice I guess...”

Blake nodded and sat next to me. “Advice about what?”

“Well, I have a question actually. Why do you call me your sister?”

“Because I'm your brother. Mom and dad gave me up, because they didn't think that they could afford having me.”

“How do you know that I'm your sister?” I asked.

“Haven't you noticed that you look a bit like me?”

I shook my head. I looked Blake over

Uh, no we looked nothing alike...

“Give me your left arm.” Blake said

I gave him my left arm.

“How long have you had this scar?” Blake asked.

I shrugged “Mom told me that I've had it since I was born. I realized it was there when I was about nine.”

I looked at the scar. It was a gothic type of swirl that looked pretty intricate...

“Look at mine.” Blake said

When I looked I gasped.

Blake had the exact same scar as me. Not one little detail about his scar was different.

I shook my head. “Do you know why we have these?” I asked

Blake shook his head. “No. I've been trying for many years, and I've never come close to an answer.”

I smiled. “I don't really care. I'm just happy I have a big brother! I've always wanted one!” I said, and then I hugged him again.

Blake P.O.V

I held Violet in my arms. My little sister.

I'm so happy, that I have my own sister. Someone that I can protect.

I smiled as well. When Violet pulled away, she was still smiling.

Well, there's one thing in our looks that's alike. Our smile. We have the same smile it seems.

“Violet?” I asked


“Why don't you smile that often?”

She looked down, thinking I suppose. “I don't really know...” She responded.

“Well, your smile is identical to mine.”

She looked up at me, “I guess your right. Mom always said I had her smile...”

I expected her to cry but she didn't. “You must get asked why you don't smile a lot. Don't you?” I asked

Violet nodded.

“Like I said before, I need advice.” Violet said suddenly.

I nodded. “Advice about what?”


“He likes you.” I said. I swore not to tell anyone, about how Rayne barged into my room, and started saying, no, I mean yelling about how much he liked Violet. But she's my sister, so I'm telling.

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