My Immortal Love...Or Hate...(Nine)

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“WE'RE HERE!” Jinxx yelled from the front seat of the bus. I was still smiling, and the other guys were still laughing at me, because the entire way here I was sliding around the bus do to Jinxx's flippin insane driving.

“Finally!” I yelled, standing up, and dusting myself off. “The guys walked to me. “Remember, you pick who you're rooming with, and shower, get dressed in something sexy, and show us.” Ash said.

“Why?” I asked.

“The night club we go to is kinda disturbing.” Said Jake sheepishly

I narrowed my eyebrows. “Disturbing in what sense?”

“They make sure that you look sexy, if you're a girl.” Said Christian looking down at the floor. I thought about this. Well, as long as they don't check, I'm fine. I mean if they just look at me, I'm cool with it. I nodded “Yeah It's fine with me. Don't really care.” I said.

“Cool.” Andy said.

“Uh, where are my bags?” I asked looking around the bus.

Jinxx, I swear came out of nowhere, holding all my bags. “Here they are.” He said dropping the bags. I bent down to pick them up but, five pairs of hands stopped me. I looked up at the guys, confused.

“Here we'll each take a bag. Kay?” Jake said to me.

“Uh, sure I guess, but you don't have to...” I said.

Andy shook his head. “No ands, ifs, or buts. We're carrying these. Just follow us.”

For the first time in years, I didn't have a smart ass comeback, for what reason I have no idea... So I just nodded, and followed Ash out the door of the bus.

I was walking on my own. The other members of the band having somebody to talk to. Like Ash was talking to Christian, Andy was talking to Jinxx, and Jake was the only one without somebody to talk to. I think he figured that out too, since from the corner of my eye I saw his walking speed up. “Hey Violet.” He said

“Hi Jake”


“Not much, just bored.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“Well I just want to ask you something...”


“Well, do you wanna be my date to the night club? I wanna get to know you, and It's harsh in there, so if you lay down the law saying that you have a date you won't really be bothered.” Jake said, Looking hopeful, serious, and a little jumpy at the same time.

I blushed, flattered that Jake would ask me out just after a few hours of knowing me. “Uh, Sure. I'd love that Jake. But how do I lay down the law?”

“Simple. You're with me at all times, and if somebody tries to get you which they most likely will since you're so beautiful. Just punch them. As hard as you can.”

I smirked. “I can do that. Why don't we start now?” I said smiling, and slightly blushing.

Jake Smiled at me, and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and gave me a gentle squeeze, And I snaked my arm around his waist.

“Hey what time is it?” I asked Jake

“I'm guessing about 8:30... Why?”

“Nothing... Just wondering. Time flies when I'm with you guys.”

“Thanks Violet.” Jake said, smiling. I think I saw him twitch closer to me, but I can't be sure.

It just occurred to me, I wonder if Rayne died...I would be happier if he did. I grinned internally.

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