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"Don't worry, you'll have your great-grandson, heck, you'll even have your great-granddaughter! Don't worry, it's only a matter of time."

"Bullshit! If I wait for another twenty years, I'll be in the dirt, rotting away with barely any bones left!" Grandpa Park raged on...

"Okay, fine. Tell me what you want, grandpa."

"Get married! As soon as possible!"

"But... But I need someone to get married to," Jimin chuckled drily. His grandpa sure was a stubborn one.

"I've been thinking. If Jeongyeon isn't your type, go for that actress from your company then. I don't care anymore. That girl, something Mi... What's her name again?"

"Her? No no no," Jimin shook his hands immediately.

"Don't you like that girl?"

"Haha... Grandpa, who told you that I liked her?" Jimin chuckled.

"The media. Newspapers are always writing about you guys."

"Oh, don't tell me you believe the media. The only thing that is true about the media is the date and the year. Nothing else could possibly be real; trust me, even the weather forecast trolls us citizens."

"Quit bullshitting random crap with me. We're speaking of serious business here, why are you bringing up the weather forecast?"

The incident that Jimin got himself into made Grandpa Park very anxious. But at the same time, it made him anxious about something else as well – he was anxious for Jimin to settle down and start a family...

Men can sometimes be difficult to predict, especially when they were bachelors. Once they had a home, a wife, and a kid, they will become more responsible.

Grandpa Park made the executive decision that his grandson needed marriage to help him tune down his flamboyant attitude. It was for his own good.

But who would have thought the kid was so good at going off on a tangent?

"Hm... Serious business, huh? What you suggested is not viable. If I were to have a wife, she's got to be a girl that I like. Listen Grandpa, a lifetime is only eighty or so years. We have the money, we have the power. You're not seriously expecting me to marry someone with a strong familial background to boost our family's reputation, right? C'mon, I'm your only grandson, do you have the heart to watch me suffer?"

"Who said anything about marrying for reputation? The issue at hand right now is for you to get married, as soon as possible! Who do you like? Tell me."

"I... don't like anyone at the moment. I will tell you when I do. It's getting late, Grandpa, rest up." Jimin ran down the stairs as soon as he finished speaking.

"Kids these days..." Grandpa Park sighed. Jimin didn't want to reveal anything, and his grandpa was running out of ideas...

By the time Jimin got back to his bedroom, his mother was in the middle of changing the bedsheets.

"Mom, you don't have to change the sheets every day. I'm not germaphobic, it's a waste."

"I bought this while shopping today. The material is very good, so I thought I'd buy it for you. Just use it for now, you rarely come home!"

Mrs. Park was delighted by the fact that her son had come back home. Every day she would come up with new cuisines and dishes for the kitchen to make for Jimin. Not only that, she changed his sheets, day in and day out – providing even better service than hotels.

Jimin understood his mother's intentions, for he knew every mother loved their children dearly.

"Are you hungry? Do you want some food?" Mrs. Park asked.

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