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"If we can't do it, can't I at least think about it?" Jungkook looked at Lisa with puppy-dog eyes.

Lisa almost caved in...

Ultimately, she was strong enough to stand up for herself. "Hurry up and go to sleep. Otherwise, I'm leaving."

Sure enough, Jungkook immediately closed his eyes and went to sleep...

The next morning, Lisa got up to buy Jungkook breakfast. As she went out the door, she was greeted by Assistant Lee, who was carrying a heavy stack of files in his arms.

"Good morning!" At the sight of the president's woman, Assistant Lee immediately greeted her enthusiastically.

"Good morning." Lisa nodded at him. Just as she was about to walk away, she suddenly turned her head and shouted, "Hey, wait a second."

"Hm?" Assistant Lee turned around.

"Are those files for Jungkook?"

"Yes, these are all urgent documents that need to be handled."

"But he's very weak right now. Why don't you get rid of some of the unimportant ones?" Lisa was worried about Jungkook. She didn't want his morning to be filled with the stress of work.

"But..." At the sight of the growing mountain of files, Assistant Lee's expression heavied.

Truthfully, these documents were all quite urgent... He didn't know which ones were the most important.

Lisa's request truly stumped him...

Before he could answer, Lisa walked over and took away half of the documents he carried.


"I'll keep these for now and give them to him tomorrow. You can give him the rest."

"Um...?" Assistant Lee was truly stunned. He thought to himself, Lisa is truly the bossy type.

"Don't worry, if your president asks, just tell him that I took the other files."

"Al... alright." Hearing her promise, Assistant Lee couldn't do anything else but agree.

Immediately afterward, Lisa put away the 'looted' files in her hospital locker and headed out to buy Jungkook breakfast.

"Are these all the documents for today?" Lying in bed, Jungkook looked over the company files while he was hooked onto an I.V.

"Um..." Assistant Lee answered evasively.

"What's going on?" Sensing that something was off, Jungkook stared at Assistant Lee and questioned.

"Miss Lisa... she, she took away half of the documents. She's afraid that it'll be too much for you." Assistant Lee clenched his teeth and decided to betray Lisa.

"Lisa took them away?" Jungkook was first startled by the news, but immediately, the corners of his mouth curled upwards.

Although he wasn't there, he could imagine the bossy expression on Lisa's face when she took away the files from Assistant Lee.

"Miss Lisa... she definitely cares about you. After all, she is your girlfriend." Assistant Lee gave the biggest smile he could.

Jungkook furrowed his brows. "What girlfriend? She's my wife."

"Wife?! Wha-" Assistant Lee was truly stunned.

"We're legally married, got it? Watch what you call her from now on. Don't call her Miss Lisa, she's Young Madame."


It was early in the morning and his boss had just dropped a major bombshell on him. Assistant Lee couldn't keep his jaw up.

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Where stories live. Discover now