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"I was visiting Krystal and her baby." Lisa looked at Kai with an icy expression.

Before, she felt nothing towards Kai. However, now that she saw how dejected Krystal and her baby were, she began hating this man in front of her. He was no longer the innocent young man she met in university, but a disgusting scumbag...

"You're here to see Krystal? You guys sure are close." Kai didn't seem to know that she and Krystal had made up.

"That's between the two of us, I don't need to explain anything to you."

Then, Lisa turned around and walked towards her car...


"Can I help you?" Lisa stopped walking but didn't turn around. She was not at all interested in looking at him.

"How... are you doing?"

"Haha... don't you watch television or the news?" Lisa chuckled.

"I don't think that Jungkook did the right thing. He announced your relationship just like that and pushed you to the brink of the crisis. I think he's making you flaunt your love with him, so he could distance himself from the incident... Don't you know that you're being used?"

Upon hearing this, Lisa turned around to look at Kai with a complicated expression on her face. "Oh yeah? I was used?"

"Yeah, you're so smart, haven't you noticed?" Kai said earnestly.

"Thanks for reminding me of that, now I know that I've been used, but... so what? He's my husband, I'm willing to be used..." Lisa said on purpose.

"So, you're willing to do anything for money? Even if you're bullied? Even if his awful mother-in-law treats you like that?"

"We've known each other for years, but you still know nothing about me... Let me tell you, I've tasted the strongest liquor and gave up on the man I love most in this world. I can be stubborn like a crazy person. I can also be a good wife and a loving mother. I can take care of my husband and nurture my child. But it all depends on who you are. Don't ever think that you can stand in my shoes because you'll never see what I see."

Then, Lisa left without hesitation...

She had nothing more to say to Kai...

To her, he wasn't even an acquaintance.

After what he did to Krystal and her daughter, he didn't deserve to be forgiven...

It was good that Director Jung fired him and the Jung Family chased him out. He brought everything onto himself.

Dumbfounded, Kai looked at Lisa's disappearing shadow.

He suddenly realized that the best years of his life was all those years ago, back in university, when he courted Lisa.

However, those days were never coming back...

Sometimes he even thought, if he believed Lisa and stood by her side instead of doing all those hurtful things to her, would she still leave him for Jungkook?

But there weren't any 'ifs' in life...

There were only results and consequences...

Everything that had happened to him to this day was caused by him, and him alone. At one time, Lisa wanted to believe him and was willing to stand by his side.

But he took it for granted; he couldn't blame anyone but himself.


When Lisa got home, Jungkook had already prepared dinner...

SET IN STONE• (part-1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz