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We get rid of the cannibals, ricks plan working perfectly and then it's time to say bye to Glenn, Maggie and the others. Abraham avoids me which I appreciate, he was still in a mood about my insistence on Eugene being a liar. Rosita gives me a half smile as we say goodbye to one another, I didn't really get to speak to this group but it's still sad to part with them.

Rick assures everyone that we'll see each other again, that as soon as Daryl and Carol are back we'll follow after the others. I still hug Glenn insanely tight, "we'll see each other soon." He mumbles as he holds me just as tightly, "I know, stay safe okay?" I ask finally letting go of him. He sends me a soft smile as he wipes away my tears, "hey, you're not getting rid of us that easily." I nod and manage a smile before I say my goodbye to Maggie.

I watch with a sad smile as we wave the group off. I just had to shake the negative thoughts away, we would see each other again. Just as soon as Daryl and Carol got back.


Daryl returns the next day. I'm stood outside when I see him pull up outside of the church. He doesn't have Carol with him, instead he's with a young boy who looks to be around Beth's age.

"Where have you been?" I ask instantly, I'd been going out of my mind as I tried to put together why he would've left. He tells me about how he and Carol had seen a car with the same marking as the one that took Beth. How they followed after it to find Beth was alive but Carol was taken, he also explains that Noah knew how to get them back.

"You almost had me worried that you weren't coming back." I hum making him shake his head. "I wouldn't ever leave you behind." I smile and kiss him on the cheek before we go to tell the others.

We're getting the church fortified because most of the group were going to get Beth. The kids had to stay behind of course and they couldn't be left unsupervised. Gabriel would be staying behind but he was of no help, I'm sure Aurora would do more than he could if it came down to it. Michonne had agreed to stay behind but she also wasn't enough for all the kids. I was staying back too, Aurora and Sophia had asked me to and so I'd agreed.

"Stay safe okay?" Daryl murmurs to me before he and the others leave. "You too." I say reaching for his hand, I give it a squeeze as he nods. "I'll see you soon." He says making me let his hand go. He sends me a reassuring smile and kisses his usual spot above my brow before he walks over to the car.

"Are you even that worried about me?" My sister asks teasingly as he joins my side. "Of course I am." I answer making her give me a disbelieving smile. "See you in a bit loser." She says making me chuckle. "See you in a bit." She gives me a quick squeeze and then makes her way over to the others too.

"Don't worry we'll be fine." I assure Rick as he walks over. He nods, "I know that." He says with a half smile. "There's no one I trust more." He tells me making me smile, "not even Michonne?" I ask teasingly, I'd picked up on a little something there. He chuckles as he looks away, "I don't know what you're talking about." He tells me making me scoff slightly, "sure."


After boarding ourselves up in the church it's kinda boring. Carl had tried to speak to Gabriel but I don't think his words were heard. Gabriel had been shaken by the cannibal incident, I think he saw us in a rather negative light after all the murder but we did what we had to. He'd understand the way of the world sooner or later.

I'd been sat chatting with Michonne as the kids entertained themselves. "Please! Let me in! Please! Let me in! They're close!" Michonne and I jump up as we hear Gabriel on the outside of the church. We can also hear the walkers snarling and so it's easy to conclude that he'd lead a bunch here.

"Help! They're coming! Please don't leave me out here! Please! Don't leave me out here! Carl! Michonne! Selene! I had to see it! I know now! Let me live with it! Oh, God, please." He continues shouting as the three of us begin trying to break open the barriers on the doors. Hayden and Sophia had taken Judith and Rory into the rectory.

I begin using my hatchet on the planks off wood we'd nailed to the door. It gives out in no time and so we can pull Gabriel in with us. He runs straight for the rectory whilst Michonne and I fend of the walkers a little more.

"That's how I got out. Crawl under to the back." Gabriel tells us as we all shut ourselves in the back. I stand by him trying to keep the door shut. "Just go. Take the little one and go." He says as Judith begins crying. Carl takes his sister back and jumps down first. Rory, Sophia and Hayden go next. Then Michonne.

"Father?" I ask, telling him to go next as I press myself up against the door. He shakes his head, "you go next." I hesitate a second, "are you sure?" I don't know if I should. "Go, I won't move until you're out." He tells me surely, with that I reluctantly leave the door and take a breath before I force myself through the small space.

My heart is beating erratically once I finally get to the outside. It feels like I've inhaled ungodly amounts of dirt and need to start gulping down all the clear air that I can. "I can't run anymore." Gabriel pants as he joins us.

"We're not running."

Together we manage to trap the walkers in the church and then we decide to wait outside. I'm not really sure what we're waiting for, but there we all stand.

"You okay?" I ask Hayden who was stood closest to me. He looks at me and then nods, I don't believe him, he looks shaken up and so without saying a word I lift my arm, he doesn't hesitate in accepting the one armed hug. He stays with me, his head leaning on my shoulder as we stand around not really sure on what to do next.

The church doors are beginning to give out, I look around at our little group and am unsure on what we can do to make it to the others. We couldn't stay here but where could we go?

My question is answered almost instantly, we hear the low hum of a vehicle until a fire truck comes into view, it stops right in front of the church doors, blocking the walkers.

"You okay?" Maggie asks as they spill out of the truck. My heart skips a beat as I'm so insanely glad to see my friends, to know that they were okay and that we were reunited. "You're back." I hum happily as we all embrace one another.

"Eugene lied." Why am I not surprised? Because I knew it. "You were right, he can't stop it. Washington isn't the end." Abraham gives me an apologetic look before he steps forward. "I'm sorry about the other day, seems you did know what you were talking about." I shake my head and hold my hand out to him. "It was something worth believing in." I say gently as he accepts my hand shake.

"Where is everybody?" Maggie asks, Michonne and I share a joyful smile before we turn back to her. "Beth's alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta." Maggies face shifts instantly and it feels like everything is right with the world for a second. "Some people have her, but the others went to get her back."

"Do we know which one?"

"Grady Memorial."

"Oh, my God." She let's out a breath before laughing, we all smile along with her, so happy for her. "Let's blow this joint, go save your sister."

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