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I'm feeding the baby when the others come back and join me. "Selene guess what?" I smile at Carl's enthusiasm as he runs over to me. "What?" He looks down at his sister fondly before he answers. "My dad let me name her."

"What did you settle on?" I question the young boy who can hardly hide his excitement. "Judith." My brows raise as I think about the interesting name that he had chosen. It just wasn't really what I'd expect him to come up with. "Judith is a lovely name." I answer honestly, it was a nice name. "I named her after my third grade teacher." I nod again feeling like that was also very random but she must've been a wonderful teacher if Carl'd been willing to name his sister after her.

"You know it's not the same but my name was almost Jude." Carl looks at me with a mixture of disbelief and interest. "Really?" I nod, "yeah, my dad wanted to name his kids after his favourite songs and singers but my mom wanted to name us after the time of day we were born, she won." I explain as he listens carefully to every word. "Why Jude?" He questions making me smile, "There was a beatles song, his absolute favourite, it was called Hey Jude."

"Was it good?" I think about all of our car journeys where my dad would play the song, when he would tell me that he wanted to name me Jude so that I could listen to the song and feel like it was just for me. "It was a good song." He nods before he turns to me once more, another question in his eyes. "Since your mom won, what time of day were you named after?"

"Night, well I was born on the night of a full moon. So my mom named me after the moon, Selene can mean moon but there was also a Greek goddess named Selene, she was goddess of the moon and my mom loved that, she was very into Greek mythology." He nods seeming like he wanted to more but Judith starts fussing in my arms so I go to calm her.


I leave Judith with Beth and the others as I do a quick sweep of the area, honestly I'd left because Axel, whilst seeming nice enough, kept staring at me and it was freaking me out. I needed some space. When I return I hear him talking to Carol, she was telling him to stay away from Beth.

"I didn't mean no offense. I've been locked up a long while and, well, there weren't many women. You following me?" It seems they didn't hear me return because neither of them even glance in my direction.  "I mean, Maggie, she's with Glenn, I don't know what's going on between Selene and Daryl but he told me to stay away from her and you're a lesbian. I was just talking with her." I see the look of disbelief on Carol's face as she half scoffs and half laughs, "I'm not a lesbian." Axel looks confused as he stares at her. You got the... short hair." he pauses before looking abck up. "You're not a lesbian? My, my, this is interesting." He notes leaning against the staircase twoards her.  "No, it's not." She says again with a sort of laugh as she pushes past him.

That was certainley an odd interaction, I think as I move forwards and they both seem to notice me. The three of us simply look between each other for a moment, not saying a word before I take another step forwards. I still don't say anything as I slip into the cell the others were sat in. Instead I think back on Axels words, Daryl had told him to stay away from me? The thought does bring a smile to my face.


"I finally got her down." I tell Hershel and Beth as I leave Judith sleeping soundly in the cell, only to see the two of them sharing an odd look. "What?" I ask them wary for the response. "Carl went off on his own." Beth admits avoiding my eye. "When?" I'm beginning to worry. I know that he was fine the last time he ventured off on his own but there was no guarantee that he would be this time. "We heard a scream and he went to check it out."

That worries me further, who could've been screaming and why? It couldn't have been our people because Sophia had been with me and Carol was out with Axel, the two of them on guard. Whoever screamed was probably an outsider and probably in danger and I wasn't sure if Carl could really handle it on his own?

I go after him and find him fairly quickly, he's already on his way back but he's not alone. He's with a small group of people, there's five of them and I can see that one is injured. I survey them warily unsure on whether we should be bringing them back with us.

Carl turns to me gun raised as I run up but lowers it when he sees it's just me, "Selene!" He let's out a breath like I scared him. "Carl!" I pull him behind me before I hold my gun up at the newcomers, "okay that's far enough. Who are you and how did you get in here."

"Selene they need help." Carl urges me his hand finding my sleeve, I spare him a glance to see the pleading look he's giving me. "Fine." I sigh giving in. "Follow us and don't even try anything because I won't hesitate to put you guys down." They nod and so I keep Carl in front of me as we lead them to the little common area before our cell block.

The man carrying the injured woman lays her down as we file in. I hang back to lock the door behind us. "Oh, God! Donna? Is she dead? Is she dead? Baby?" I feel bad for the second man who rushes down to be with this Donna who was unresponsive.

"I'll take care of it." Carl says getting his gun ready, he aims at the woman's head but the first man calls out for him to stop. "Whoa! Whoa, kid.Wait a minute." But Carl doesn't let up. "She doesn't have that long." I make my way over to him and gently move the gun away. They should be able to deal with their own person and they deserved at least a minute.

Carl looks up at me questioningly but I simply shake my head at him, he understands and nods at me as the other woman speaks up. "Who the hell are you? How did you get in here? Who are you with?" We don't answer her questions instead he tells them that we can help but they need to deal with Donna. The man who'd carried her in, I assume he's in charge of this group, he assures us that they take care of their own.

A small disagreement breaks out between donnas husband and the leader, who I learn is called Tyreese, about having to kill Donna before she turns. Whilst all that is going on Carl and I retreat to our block, I leave him to lock the gate as I quickly go to check on Sophia and Judith.

I have to leave the cell when I start to hear shouting and see it's the woman, she's at the gate shouting at Carl. "Hey!" She hits her shovel against the bars and I step forwards. "You can't just leave us in here!"

"Hey! I'm gonna ask you nicely to step away from the door." I say firmly as I approach, I haven't drawn my gun yet. "Like he said, you're safe in there and you have food and water, you don't need to come in here."

She stares at me a moment but before she has anytime to do anything Tyreese makes his was over. "Sasha! Back away from their door and let the man go. Look around you." He says pulling her away, "this is the best we've had it in weeks. His house. We got other things to do." He adds referring to Donna who still hadn't been dealt with. He turns back to us as Sasha walks off and raises his hands slightly.

"We don't want any trouble." He seems sincere and so I nod before moving back towards my own cell, just wanting to sit down for a moment as I thought about all this.

Carl begins to walk past my cell, to his own but I stop him and call him over. He looks at me confused as I try to think about what I should say to him. "Carl, what did I say to you the last time you wandered through the prison alone?" He shrugs at my question, "that you were impressed?"

"I said that I was impressed yes but I also told you that you shouldn't ever go through the prison alone again." He looks down, "look I'm not trying to tell you off or anything but Carl there were five of them. Five of them and one of you. What if that woman hadn't gotten bitten? What if they were bad people? They could've easily hurt you or even killed you."

"My dad would've gone." I nod, "yeah he probably would've," I agree before trying again and hoping he sees my point. "I'm not saying what you did was wrong, I'm saying next time you go with someone." He looks at me for a second and simply nods, "okay."

Dead Girl Walking | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now