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I'm not much use in the sick cell block, I spend most of my time asleep but I don't mind it, at least me being so knocked out saved me from the pain.

Hershel had brought himself in here to try and help and surpassingly he seemed to be doing fine, the same could not be said for the rest of us. Sasha Glenn and I tried to help assist Hershel as he made his way round but I eventually had to retire to my cell.

I make it through the sickness without getting too sick but Glenn gets pretty rough and it's so chaotic when we try and find him one of the things to help him breathe. People were turning left right and centre but Hershel and I manage to get Glenn what he needed with the help of Maggie.

Luckily Daryl and the others made it back and they'd found the meds and so most of us ended up recovering. Daryl held me all night in the cell until I was well enough to return to our room, then he carried me the whole way there.

Now we were just trying to get back to normal, as normal as could be for us. All the losses we'd faced has been hard and we'd even lost Carol and Sophia amidst all the chaos. It turns out Carol was the one who burnt Karen, Rick had banished her, he'd given her the choice of taking Sophia and Carol had first asked for us to keep and take care of her daughter. Sophia hadn't wanted to part with her mother though and so the two had gone together.

My heart was broken. I loved both Carol and Sophia dearly, I would miss them both terribly but I had hope that we'd see each other again, maybe they could just wait a bit for everyone to cool down and then they could come back.

"Selene, look what grandpa made me!" I shake my head with a smile once Rory comes running up to show me the makeshift headband Hershel had given her. She knew Hershel wasn't her grandfather but she said he looked like one and he didn't mind, acted as though she were his granddaughter.

I was sat in my room, Daryl had demanded that I continue to rest even though I was perfectly fine. Rory jumps onto the bed beside me and asks that fix the headband on her head for her. "Are you feeling better now?" I nod as she nestles into my side,"are you sure? I can read to you if you want, mamma always read to me when I was sick." She tells me making me nod, "okay you can read to me." She jumps up excited and runs to her little bed to grab something from under her pillow. When she gets back beside me, she crosses her legs and starts reading me some comic that Carl had leant her.

I listen to her read for a while until there's a massive shot that shakes the prison. I jump up and run to see it's Governor, he's back and he's got a tank and people with him. I grab Rory and run us down to the courtyard. "Hey you gotta get to the other kids okay?" She looks scared as she looks at me but nods. "Stay with the others."

I rush over to where I find everyone at the fence, I get there just as the Governor pulls Hershel and Michonne from his car. Maggie and Beth have the loudest reactions in fear for their father. Rick tries pleading and explaining that he wasn't our leader anymore, that we had a council but the governor doesn't want to hear it. He calls Rick down and lets him know that he will be making the decision today.

We all watch in anticipation as Rick converses with the mad man. He even proposes that we can all live together in the prison, he gives an amazing speech and it looks like his words are impactful until the governors face twists and then he lodges michonnes sword into Hershel's neck.

The reactions are instant, screams ring clear over the bullets that are flying in every direction. Everyone is shooting, our evacuation plan is simple, we do what we can to make sure that everyone can get onto the bus. "Get on the bus." Daryl is at my side urging me to get away. "You get on the bus." He nods, "I'll be right there but c'mon let's go." I look up at him and see the worry swimming in his eyes. "Okay but you better be right behind me." He nods and kisses my head before gently pushing me in the direction of the bus.

I get on but I don't see anyone else from our main group, I don't see my sisters, I don't see Glenn Maggie or Beth and I don't see Carl or Judith. Where are they all? I get off the bus instantly knowing that I need to find the grimes kids and Aurora. I see a flash of red hair running back into the building making my stomach drop.

"Aurora!" She doesn't stop as her little legs carry her into Aelias cell, "what are you doing?! We have to go!" I tell her urgently as I catch up. She pulls out a photo album, "we can't leave this behind." She says as Lia sprints into the cell too, searching for the same thing. "Are the two of you insane? We have to go now!" I say as Lia shoves the album into her bag and I grab Rory.

The three of us run out just in time to see the bus drive off. I sigh in defeat but with all the fighting still going on I don't let us stop for long. The three of us just run into the woods. I'm sure we'll be able to find at least some of the others and I'm sure that everyone made it out safe.

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