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"Hey Selene, Sophia and I were thinking maybe we could set up some hurdles for you outside for our next race." I'd been laying in my bed for I don't even know how long. "That sounds like fun Carl but not right now." He nods but he looks a bit dejected, "are you okay?" I nod and force myself to sit up.

"I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired kid. Tomorrow though, tomorrow, I will show both you and Sophia how the hurdles are done." He smiles and nods, "okay I'm gonna go practice right now." I let out a laugh, "yeah you're gonna need it."

After he leaves I feel a restlessness, I want to do something but I'm not sure what. Wandering aimlessly around my room turns into wandering aimlessly around the field. That turns into me making my way towards the property line, towards the woods. "Hey!" I stop and turn to see Daryl walking after me. "What are you doing?" I shrug, "I'm walking."

"Towards the woods?" I don't respond, "what you gotta death wish or something? You said yourself you got no sense of direction so what, you just gonna walk in there and get yourself lost again?" I sigh but don't say anything making him sigh right back. "Come on we're going back to the house."

"No. I'm sick of that damn room, I don't wanna be locked inside anymore. I want to go on a walk." He stares at me as I push my hair away from my face. "You ain't locked anywhere and I'm not letting you go out there alone." I glare at him, "I don't have to listen to you." He glares back, "fine you wanna get yourself killed? Go right ahead, I don't care." Neither of us move, each of us daring the other to give in first. I didn't wanna walk in the woods anymore but I didn't want him to feel like he'd won.

I bite the inside of my cheek and turn on my heel. He scoffs behind me but doesn't stop me as I march forwards. "I don't care." He repeats before I hear him walk off himself. I wait a few moments and then when the coast is clear I walk back up towards the house.

Back to that stupid damn room it was.


"Why's Daryl in such a mood?" I look at Lori confused, "how should I know?" She gives me a look, "you're the only person he likes in this group." I shake my head, "not true, he likes Carol too."

"Anyways what's up?" I ask seeing as she looks really worried. "Rick and Glenn, I asked Daryl to get them. They went for Hershel and we need Hershel for Beth." I nod, "he won't go?" She shakes her head, "he's in a pissy mood, told me to go get them myself."

"You aren't going are you?" I ask seeing the determined look on her face, "someone has to." I bring my hand up to my face as I begin chewing on my nails. "Well I can't let you go." She gives me a look, "I'm going." She sounds made up and it doesn't seem like I'll be able to change her mind.

"I'll go." I offer, "you know how to drive?" She asks, "well not exactly but-"

"You can't go alone either then." She cuts me off, "why don't we just wait till tomorrow, I'm sure they'll be back soon and if not Shane and Daryl can go tomorrow." I try and rationalise but it doesn't seem like she'll give it up. "No I have to go now."

"Lori I'm gonna have to tell the others-"

"Selene just either come with me or go back to your room. You can't tell them, they won't let me go and I have to go, Rick could need our help. My son needs his dad." I begin feeling guilty so I nod, "alright fine, I'll come with you." She goes for a car whilst I go to take a gun without Dale noticing.

"Ready?" Lori asks as I approach, I slip into the car wordlessly and we begin on our journey. We don't speak on the ride, Lori keeps glancing at the map and I just keep my head down. I was getting a bad feeling, I knew someone was gonna be angry at me and I wasn't sure who but I wasn't looking forward to it.

I spot a walker ahead but I don't say anything, I'm not sure why. Lori is preoccupied with the map and so she can't see it and needs me to tell her but I just sit there and stare at it. Guilt starts clawing at my stomach and so I turn to the woman beside me, she's still engrossed in the map but we have time.

"Lori, Lori there's a walker." She panics and swerves the car. I shut my eyes and brace myself and the car goes off road and it begins to crash, it flips on itself and I screw my eyes shut thinking about how I should've said something sooner. How I could have avoided this, but now because of me, both Lori and I could die.


"Are you ok?" I come back to consciousness as Lori is pulling me from the flipped car. She deals with the walker beside us but doesn't see the one behind her, mind still racing I can't even get up, I manage to use my adrenaline to crawl over and clutch it's leg. It reaches down to claw at me but I use all my strength to pull it down by the legs. Scrambling to my feet, I sway for a second before I raise my leg and bring my foot down on the walkers head. I have to do this a few times for it to be effective but once it's dead, I fall back to the ground. Panting as my chest constricts with each breath that I try to take.

The smell, the dizziness and just the mashed up head of the walker lead to me emptying my stomach. "You okay?" I ask Lori who nods, forcing myself to my feet I nod, "alright let's go."

Dead Girl Walking | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now