Forty Seven

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Warning : smut at the end of the chapter.

It'd been a few weeks since my 'argument' with Lia, we hadn't really spoken to each other since. I could see she was embarrassed and ashamed of what went down, and how she'd behaved.

Instead I spent most of my time outside, helping Rick and Aurora farm, I'd managed to find a pack of tulips, daisies and some petunias on my last run so we were going to plant those. No sunflowers yet though. Sophia had joined my daily laps around the field and if I wasn't with Judith or Carl then I was mostly likely on a run with Glenn, Maggie or Daryl. Carol and I had also just started a story time for this kids in the library, we took it in turns reading stories to the kids.

"Why does Aelia call you Cece?" Currently Aurora and I were tending to our little flower garden. "When Lia was a baby and learning to speak she couldn't pronounce Selene, the best she got was Cece and it just stuck I guess."

"Can I call you Cece?" She asks hesitantly, "if you want to." She looks at me and then shrugs, "no I don't want to. You don't look like a Cece." I nod with a chuckle, "okay."

"When are you and Daryl getting married." My mouth drops as I turn to the young girl, "um what?" My laugh is now awkward and a bit uncomfortable. "When are you marrying Daryl?" She repeats as though it's the most casual question in the world. "Oh, uh I don't know why?" I don't know what to say to her.

"I saw you kissing him and mommy told me you aren't allowed to kiss boys unless you marry them." I laugh out loud and her face screws up in confusion. "What's so funny?" I shake my head, "nothing sorry. Huh, I don't know that I will marry Daryl." I tell her honestly making her moth drop as her eyes widen. "But mommy said that if you kiss a boy you have to marry him." It's adorable how seriously she's taking that. "Yeah? And what's gonna happen if I don't?" This stumps her, "I don't know, you die?"

"No, you don't have to marry someone just cause you kiss them. Mom was just being dramatic, you can kiss as many people as you want don't worry about it." I say abandoning my gardening all together and just sitting back in the grass. "Well maybe you're too young for kissing right now."

"I'm already six, how old do I have to be?" I don't know how I'd managed to end up tangled in this conversation. "I don't know, is there someone you wanna kiss or something?"

"Ew gross, I don't wanna kiss anyone. That's disgusting." She sounds genuinely offended that I've asked her that. "Well what's with all the questions then?" She shrugs and brushes the dirt from her hands as she too abandons planting the seeds and sits back beside me.

"I don't know, I was just asking." She seemed to do that a lot, just ask questions for the sake of it. "How old were you when you first kissed someone?"

"Thirteen, my first kiss was my best friend Jasper." I answer briefly glancing away. "How many people have you kissed?" She asks as she lays back and looks up at the sky, "what is this an interrogation?"

"Yes now answer my questions." She says seriously making me giggle before laying beside her. "Can't we just sunbathe in peace?" I ask as the sun rains down beams of warmth over us. "No. I never met you before I have lots of questions."

"About kissing?"

"Aelia never tells me this stuff, she said that I was too annoying." That makes me frown, I guess Lia wasn't on either of our good side. "You're not annoying." I tell her sincerely, "are you sure? A lot of people say I'm annoying because I talk too much and ask too many questions. I don't mean to I just can't help it."

"I promise you're not annoying, you can ask me as many questions as you want, I won't get annoyed." She smiles a bright smile at me, "okay so how many people have you kissed?" She repeats her previous question making me laugh. "I'm afraid it's boring just two, Jasper and Daryl."

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