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"Hey mom!" I call out as I reach the base of the staircase. "Mom!" I roll my eyes as I yell once more, this woman was most definitely going deaf or something, she could never hear anything.

"Is someone calling me?" Finally her head emerges over the railing a bright smile crinkling her eyes up. "I'm just letting you know that I'm gonna be late home today, I've got track after school." She nods her pride for me shining clearly. "Good luck! You'll make the team I just know it." I smile softly up at her and can't help but run back up and give her a hug. "Thanks mommy." She kisses my head with a light laugh and gently pushes me away. "Alright now get going, you guys are gonna be late."

Hopping back down the stairs I scoop my bag up from beside the door, "where is your sister?" I shrug not really caring, where my younger sister Aelia was, she was always late to everything. "I'm not waiting for her because she takes way too long and I'm not being late." Mom nods in understanding, "alright you go ahead and I'll get her to hurry it up."

"Love you honey."

"Love you too." I call back absentmindedly over my shoulder as I'm already out of our house. I begin on my usual route to school. Glancing ahead, I debate on wether I should just hop on the bus or walk the entire way. I think about how stretching my legs will be better for track and then continue on my journey.

I'm completely in a world of my own until I notice a man curled up on the floor. I hesitate a second as I look around. He's crying but I can't see anyone around and I don't really want to approach him on my own. I end up shuffling forwards as he continues sniffling, "um are you ok? Do you need any help?" He doesn't move or respond but I don't want to linger, there was something off about his energy.

I turn around and think about walking back towards my house when I'm suddenly pulled backwards. I cry out in pain once my head slams against the sidewalk. "Don't cry." He whispers wiping at the tears, I try and hit his hands away as I open my mouth to scream but he's quicker than me, his hand encases my face as he covers my mouth. I try and pull back but his grip tightens before he slams my head down onto the ground once more.


I should've just kept fucking walking, I think as I wipe my eyes, trying not to think about that day. I had to stop before my tears got any heavier. He would get mad if he woke up and saw me crying again.

I sigh as I glance upwards, I can't bear to look beside me and see his face, sleeping peacefully. He didn't deserve even a second of peace. The moments he slept were the best parts of my day, it was the only time he'd leave me alone, the only downside being the fact I was stuck beside him and that I would stay on edge, afraid for the moment he woke up.

Today was the day though, the day I would make my escape. I was going to kill this piece of shit and I was going to be free, this was the day I'd dreamed of for years and now it was going to become a reality, I was going to see my family.

I grit my teeth knowing that there was no use in prolonging this, my plan was going to work, it had to work. I don't know that I could bare another second living this way if it didn't. If I couldn't kill him today I would have to kill myself but I didn't survive all of these years for it to end like this. My plan was going to work.

Releasing the breath I had been holding I reach out and gently shake my captor, the plan would only work if he were in a good mood. "Hey," I whisper across trying to keep my voice steady. "I'm sorry but I really need to pee." I continue once I see his eyes fluttering, "why can you never let me sleep?" Not off to a great start, "I'm sorry sir, but I really need to pee. I can't hold it anymore."

"Jesus, I didn't want to hear all that." I refrain from an eye roll as he gets up and fetches the key to my handcuffs. There was a long pipe that ran along the walls of the basement, he'd only ever let me free from the pipe if I needed the toilet or if we were eating.

"You make me breakfast after you're done." He commands before walking back across the room. Stupid prick, I smirk to myself knowing everything was going according to plan so far. He'd moved down into the basement with me last year for unknown reasons but since then I'd been building up his trust so that he wasn't over my shoulder at every second now.

A year ago he would've waited at the door, watching me intently waiting for any indication I would try something. And then he would grab the open cuff and use it like a leash to pull me after him before he'd cuff me back to the pipe.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I keep my tone chirpy knowing he liked that, "you can choose." He was in a very good mood today, I beam at the thought of finally getting away. Humming to myself as I cooked I set the table swiftly and then place his plate in front of him with a bright smile. "Someone's in a good mood today." He comments a bitter edge to his voice. "You have no idea." No idea how I'm going to make you suffer.

"Are you not eating?" I shake my head as I sit back trying to control my face. "Not hungry." I shrug, he doesn't care and so starts stuffing his face. "What did you put in this?" He's furious and I revel in it, "take a guess?" Maybe it was stupid to rile him up but I didn't care. "Listen to me you little bitch, I hope you remember what happened last time you tried to pull a stunt like this." I nod, flip my napkin over to show the knife I had slid under there. I clutch the handle firmly and stab it into the table as I lean forwards, "I won't be making any mistakes today."

He gets up ready and charges at me, he backhands me to the floor and I feel my nose run, leaning down to pull me up by my hair I spit my blood in his face. His hand loosens a bit in shock but not all the way so I pull my head back and the head butt him with all my strength. I ignore how my ears ring and push myself up as he stumbles back on his ass.

Grabbing the knife I point it at him, "sit down." I hiss holding the point to his throat. His eyes are hard and his glare deadly as he complies. "You wouldn't dare." He shakes his head a stupid smug smirk on his face. "I wouldn't?" I question before bringing the knife down on his pinky. I smirk at him as he screams, the severed finger rolling to the ground. "Don't worry, you're not gonna need it where you're going."

"You're so lucky that I just wanna go home otherwise I'd really draw this out." I hum as I trace over his face with the knife, allowing it to dig deep and draw blood. He shakes in fury at the fact the tables were turned right now, he was gonna try something without a doubt. "Your family are gone." His taunt falls on deaf ears, like I'd believe anything he'd tell me right now. "You're not gonna make it out there, you don't know what the worlds like now."

"I'll adapt." I tell him before driving the knife into his throat, I squirm as his blood splatters over my face but remove the knife before giving one more stab, just to make sure.

Hey everyone to my first fanfic ever! This probably won't be any good and I'm just writing it for fun tbh, it's literally just half an idea to me rn but I'm rolling w it, I've not even finished the show yet lol. I don't even know who the love interest should be so if you guys want someone in particular feel free to comment it <3

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