Twenty Nine

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"How do you know we can trust her?" Oscar asks as we all gather around the staircase to discuss what to do about Glenn and Maggie. "This is Maggie and Glenn. Why are we even debating?" Beth asks making me nod in agreement. "We ain't. I'll go after them." Daryl says instantly, "so will I." I add, there's nothing I wouldn't do for any Glenn and Maggie, for any member of the group.

"Well, this place sounds pretty secure. You guys can't go alone." Rick tells us, the two prisoners and Beth don't hesitate to say that they'll join us.

Rick tells Beth that she and Axel should stay back because they needed some people back at the prison in case something happened. "Selene maybe you should stay back as well." Rick says after he and Daryl walk up to me.

"What? Are you being serious?" They sigh in unison making me look between them, "what you don't think I can handle myself out there?" I ask the two who share another glance. "Don't look at each other, I'm asking the question, if you got something to say, say it." Rick looks down a second before he meets my eye, "it's not that you can't handle yourself." He starts making me scoff.

They still saw me as that weak defenceless girl they met in the basement. Granted I got sick and was weak during that but before and after the sickness I was fine, I was strong. I could handle myself out there and I was fine now so I could do this.

"Selene we just-"

"I appreciate that the two of you think that you're looking out for me. I'm fully capable of making my own decisions, so I don't need you to be making any for me." I tell them looking at Rick and then Daryl, the latter had yet to speak. "This is Glenn and Maggie I am not staying here and doing nothing."

"We need you here." Rick persists, "Carol is exhausted and dehydrated, Beth is a kid, Carl and Sophia feel safest with you. If something happens they need you here."

We stare at each other, he had a point I guess but those months we were on the road, when I was ill, Glenn and Maggie were there by my side, day and night. They took care of me and I couldn't just not do anything.

"Please." I sigh at the simple word and nod, "fine." I grit my teeth and walk away from the two, back to my cell.

I turn when I hear footsteps behind me, Daryl was following after me. I continue walking and wait for him to reach my cell. "What?" I ask as he stops at the doorway. "It ain't cause we don't think you can handle it."

"Okay." I don't believe him, "it ain't." He repeats taking a step forward. "We know you can handle it, we all know that." His words seem sincere so I allow my face to soften. "Okay." My words were softer now too. "Why'd you keep getting so worked up about this, who are you trying to prove yourself to?" He asks making me sigh.

"Me, I'm trying to prove myself to me. I need to know that I'm not that scared little girl, that I'm not useless, I can help. I don't have to be the one who needs help all the time or the one who has to just stay behind and wait." His brows furrow as he watches me a frown pulling his lips downwards. He takes another step forwards and places his hands on my shoulders.

"No one thinks that." He tells me softly making me shake my head, "I do." I don't know that I'd be this open with anyone else but Daryl was Daryl. He was the first person I'd trusted in ten years and I felt comfortable around him, like he wouldn't judge me I felt like he may be the only one who could possibly understand me.

"You bein here, that's you being helpful. Them kids out there need you if things go wrong. There's no one Rick trusts more with his boy." I nod glad at his reassurance. "Just stay here and keep an eye on everyone, we'll be back before you know it." I nod as he stares down at me, his blue eyes not leaving mine once.


He yells back to Rick that he's coming but stays with me a minute longer. I can see there's something he wants to say but he doesn't, instead I lean up and kiss his cheek "be careful." I whisper pulling away, our faces are just inches apart so I could kiss him again if I really wanted to.

"Always am." He mumbles not moving away, I know that he has to go and so I go to pull away since he seems unwilling too. I don't know if he notices the way his face follows mine when I move slightly back but I do and so I can't stop myself from pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

His corner of his lips tug up once I pull back and he smirks down at me. "That's the second time you've done that." I nod feeling confident, "get back soon and see if there'll be a third." I tell him before walking out of my cell to help the others load up to leave.

I walk out to see Carol and Sophia with the baby, they both smile warmly when they see me walk over. "How's baby grimes?" I ask as Carol hands her over. "She's good but she needs a feed soon." I nod as I cradle the baby gently. They leave me with the baby as they go to help the others who were almost done.

Daryl exits the prison from the gate I was stood beside, he'd done a few trips back and forth but they were good to go now. He slows down and places his hand on my arm, I tear my gaze from baby grimes and to the man looking down at me tenderly. "Stay safe." I nod up at him, he lets me go and takes a few steps before turning back to face me.

"I'll be back for that third." His lips pull up into a smirk as he takes a step backward, his eyes running up and down before they settle on my growing smile. "I'll be waiting." I call out making him nod before he turns and walks towards the others.

"What was that?" I'm startled by Carol's reappearance by my side. "What?" I ask as she give me a knowing smile, "we all..." she shakes her head as I give an awkward laugh, "what are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter." But I turn to her intrigued, "have you guys all been gossiping about us?" There's humour in my voice because I do find it funny, I find it odd but endearing in a way. "No, no we weren't gossiping but we did notice the two of you, it's not exactly like-"

I laugh which stood her nervous rambling, "it's okay Carol, but nothings really going on between us." Her brows raise at that, "it's not." I insist my cheeks beginning to warm. She begins to laugh at my reaction, "if you say so." Her voice comes out in a sing song sort of way, like elementary school teasing.

"Your rosy cheeks are telling a different story." She continues making me shake my head, "sorry I've got to go, baby needs feeding." I shrug nodding down at the baby before rushing off back inside.

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