~ Heisei Yandere~

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"Love try and under-" Mothra began calmly. "Mothra, let me go now," Y/N growled, trying and unsuccessfully keeping his anger under control. Mothra flinched at his sudden outburst before trying to speak again. "Love this is-" Mothra began again. Before getting interrupted. "No, this is what you want," Y/N said, looking away from her, he walked away. Mothra sighed, as patient as she was. It was running thin and fast. She couldn't understand why he was so angry at this. Why is he angry? Well, Godzilla broke free from her magical seal, and she was afraid Y/N was going to be killed by him, so until Godzilla was dealt with either by her or some other kaiju, he couldn't leave the island. The reason for that was that she used the same seal on her beloved Y/N. She told him over and over that she was doing this for him, yet he yelled at her and was being mean to her. Why? Not only that, but he started believing what some other Kaiju had been telling him about her. She manipulated him so he would cut off connections with his friends and some certain female kaiju. She was only trying to help him by getting rid of the negativity in his life and any completion that would steal him away from her.

Following him, Mothra tried to calm down; she knew getting angry would only make the situation worse. "Why?" Y/N stopped and looked at her. "Why are you doing this?" Y/N asked for some tears, threatening to fall from his eyes. Mothra stared at him. "I love you, and I don't want Godzilla to hurt you." Y/N closed his eyes before sighing. "Mothra, I can take care of myself, and I'm not stupid enough to pick a fight with someone I know I can't beat. I'm not like, " Y/N stopped himself before he said Battra. Mothra winced and looked down, remembering how Godzilla killed him. She thought she finally got through with him, but Godzilla took away any chance they had. Sighing, Y/N attempted to leave again, and it didn't do anything. He was like a fly hitting glass; he could never hope to break it.

"You can't break through it, you know," Mothra said while flying up to him. Ignoring her, he kept slamming against the magical seal. "If I knew dating you would be this much of a headache, I wouldn't have," Y/N muttered to himself. It was barely above a whisper, but Mothra heard most of it. Why was he so mean? She sighed mentally. No matter how mean or hurtful he gets towards her, she'd still love him, but he was really making her mad. With her pincher thing, she smacked him. "You need to quit talking to me like that, okay, Y/N?" Mothra spoke, her voice only an inch away from erupting into a volcano of rage.

Y/N quickly nodded and muttered an apology. No matter what state he was in, he knew better than to make Mothra mad at him.....Okay, he knew when to stop. Mothra nodded. "Good, thank you. Now let's find something to do together." Mothra turned around and began flying down towards the island. "Hey, Mothra?" Mothra's antennas twitched slightly, and she turned around. "Yes Y/N?" Mothra spoke with some anger still as clear as mud in her voice. "Will I ever be able to leave the island?" The Dragon Kaiju said it with sadness, not turning to face her. Mothra stared, surprised that it was a genuine question. Usually, when a topic similar to this came up, it involved him being all pi*sy. "When Godzilla is taken care of," Mothra spoke calmly. Mothra continued down towards the island; she turned around when she didn't hear him following. Reading her mind, Y/N yelled down at her, "I'll be down in a minute." Landing Mothra tried to think of what they could do together but also relieve some stress. Maybe they could play a game? Both she and Y/N enjoy doing it sometimes, even though Y/N denies it thoroughly. But what? Her eyes locked onto a boulder, she picked it up, and sat it on the sand.

Y/N eventually came down and landed near Mothra. He gave her a quick glance before looking away. Okay, she's back to her normal calm self. Y/N thought, "So....." Y/N began. "Is it true?" Mothra's antennas twitched again. "What do you mean?" Mothra asked curiously about what it was this time. "What you did to Manda?" Mothra sighed; she was tired of fighting with him about this. "I don't want to talk about this anymore, okay?" Mothra said she sounded somewhat tired. "Anyway," Mothra continued, not waiting for a response from Y/N. "Let's play catch." Mothra chirped, her once tired tone replaced by her normal happy, energetic self.

(Time skip)

Both were lying down in their nest; both were on their sides. Mothra snuggled up against his chest, wings wrapped around his waist. Y/N had his arms wrapped around her. "Hey darling?" Y/N asked softly. Mothra raised her head. "Yes?" Y/N hesitated before he began. "You promise I can leave the island after Godzilla is dealt with, right?" "Why do you want to leave so badly?" Mothra chirped with concern. "I just don't like being cramped up in one place." Mothra mentally sighed in relief; she thought he was thinking about leaving her. "Sure," Mothra replied, feeling sleep take over her. "Hmmm, goodnight, Mothra," Y/N muttered, falling asleep. "Goodnight, love," Mothra said, letting sleep consume her.

Word Count: 950

Mothra x Dragon Reader One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now