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"We're here," Y/N announced, laying Mothra down. "Thank you." Mothra smiled. "So what exactly happened?" Y/N asked, looking the injured Mothra up and down. "I had a scuffle with a Muto." Sighing, Y/N muttered something. "Is Battra here?" Y/N questioned looking around the temple. "No, I don't believe so," Mothra said while looking around. Nodding, Y/N turned and looked at her.

"Well, I can't leave you alone in good conscience, so would you like me to stay?" Y/N questioned Mothra. Smiling, her mood seemed to brighten a bit. "I would like that." Nodding, Y/N sat down beside Mothra. "So is there anything in particular you want to talk about? "No, not really," nodding Y/N lay down. "If that's the case, I'm going to rest." Mothra climbed onto Y/N's back, which surprised him before he shrugged mentally. I mean, he never really cared if Mothra were to do this, plus he did give her permission, so it didn't really matter. "Night," Y/N muttered. "Goodnight, Y/N" Mothra replied, lying down on his back.

Word Count: 218

Wow, this is short. So I wanted to get a part out today, but I wasn't expecting it to be this short, so I'll try to post another today.

Mothra x Dragon Reader One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now