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Y/N woke up with a sudden jolt. He looked around. In front of him was a pearly gate, and that was about it. There was nothing else; it was just blank. Y/N stood there, trying to remember how he got here. Slowly, his mind began recollecting the events of what happened. He was fighting Godzilla, and he killed him. Y/N shivered as he remembered how Godzilla killed him. He slowly realized he was dead. Looking at the gates, he reached out his talon out to touch it. Right before he touched it, he was suddenly in a new place. He stared in shock, looking around him. The scenery was beautiful; the sun was bright—not too bright, but just right; the grass was a pure green; flowers of different colors and kinds littered the field; and beautiful trees stood towering over the landscapes.

"What the h@ll?" Y/N muttered. "Heaven, actually," a voice corrected behind him. Turning around, he saw a human about the same size as him. And they were a bright kind of light. The figure noticed his confusion and chuckled. "Lost for words, little one?" What's happening? Y/N thought. "What are you?" Y/N spoke confusedly, his eyes fixed on it. The figure only chuckled before shaking his head. "I'm a lot of things, but I guess by your and humans' understandings, I'm God." Y/N blinked. Wait, this was a god more over capital G God. He wasn't shocked over the fact he was talking to God; h@ll is mate. Mothra is a goddess. He was still trying to come to terms with the fact he was dead, in heaven, and talking to God. "Sorry if I'm overwhelming you." Y/N blinked as he was finally brought back to reality. "Uh, no, it's okay. I'm just shocked that I died and I'm in heaven."

"I know it must be shocking, especially since a few minutes ago you died." God spoke empathically. "But I'm here to help, so do you have any questions?" God followed up. A few questions fluttered into his mind. "Is Mothra here?" Y/N spoke as soon as that question entered his mind. "Yes, since she didn't lay an egg, she is here." "Can I see her?" Shrugging, God spoke. "Of course, you can, little one; she's somewhere here." Y/N felt a wave of relief. "Is that all?" God followed up. "It's hard to reach me." "Yes, sorry, but what's your name?" God smiled. "Humans gave me many names: Odin, Zeus, Ra, and Budda. I suppose now I'm called Allah."

"Y/N," nodding, Allah pointed his left-hand side. "Mothra's over there," he said as he disappeared, fading as if he were never there. "Wait, how did?" Y/N stopped; he was fully gone now, nothing as if he were never there. Whatever. Y/N flew south. He looked around, trying to spot her. While flying, he came upon a giant tree with pink leaves. "Maybe she's here?" Y/N muttered to himself. "Mothra, are you here?" Y/N yelled as he landed. The only response he was given was silence. He sat down. Looking at the ground, he was still trying to come to terms with everything. "I'm tired," Y/N muttered to himself. He fought for all of his life; it was one of the only things he knew how to do. Closing his eyes, Y/N drifted off to sleep.

(10 minutes later)

After some time, Mothra appeared, landing near the tree. She looked around, finally spotting Y/N. Allah told her where he would be, by the tall pink tree. She walked over, finding him sleeping on his side. Smiling softly, she rubbed her fur against his nose. It twitched, and Y/N turned onto his right side. Mothra did it again; his nose twitched even more. One more time, and Y/N sneezed, waking up. He was wondering what was doing that. Y/N lost complete control over his body once he saw Mothra in front of him. "Mothra?" was the only response he could muster. She lept forward, allowing Y/N to take her into his arms, and she graced him with a kiss. Holding her, some tears started coming out. Mothra wiped away some tears that were coming out.

"I never thought" "Shush, it's okay. I'm here now." Lying her head on his neck, she hummed softly while in the hug. Y/N sat there holding her, silently crying. "I'm sorry," Y/N said after some silence. Mothra removed her head, shaking it she replied. "You did all you could do; my death wasn't your fault." Mothra spoke with such warmth that it could warm up the earth ten times over. Nodding, Y/N held her close. "So, what can we do?" Y/N questioned after a little time. Mothra giggled softly. "Whatever you want, we have the entirety to do it." "Can we stay like this?" Nuzzling his neck Mothra nodded. "Of course,"

Word Count: 833 

Mothra x Dragon Reader One-shotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora